We finally make it to the dining hall. Joseph is already there waiting for us. His face falls when he notices us enter together. I frown, feeling a little guilty. I look down as I walk to the table. I sit on one side of him and Derek sits on the other side.
"Good morning, Derek. Lady Gwyneth seems to be impressed by you.” Joseph winks. I scowl at the table. I know what he’s doing. “She said that she would love to join us for breakfast. Unfortunately, she has errands to run and wanted me to thank you, on her behalf, for your company last night." I clench my fists in my lap.
Derek looks at me apologetically and I give him an 'it doesn't matter look'. "Thank you, Joseph, for giving me the message.” He says politely. “I wish that I could remember last evening. I fear that I had too much to drink."