Alexia - The Vampire - Part 3

Carmen and Lucian walked at least thirty minutes. Well, Lucian was mostly floating like not a care into the world because he cannot be seen by the" creatures" of the first dimensions, popular known as humans and animals. Carmen was walking, and it was exhausting for her because, one, she is not in good shape like any normal teenager portrayed with superpowers, and she had a difficult day today.

"How much more?" asks Carmen to the ghost.

"We are almost there." replies the ghost, turning around to Carmen. "A few more meters."

They continue to advance, then they take a right turn around the corner, and walk three more steps. Lucian stops from floating and lands on the ground, revealing his legs. He looks at the locked door of this abandoned building, then at Carmen and he tells her.

"We are here."

Carmen looks at the door, and at the building. It looked like nothing she had expected to see. She looks at Lucian, who is going through the door, but he comes back in almost a second, looking at Carmen and telling her.

"Oh, sorry. You have to take the back entrance."

"Back entrance?" asks Carmen, not having any clue where that thing is supposed to be.

"Right at the back of the building, dear." says the ghost, going back into the interior of the building, letting Carmen deal alone with this.

The teenager goes to the back of the building, which seems to be abandoned if you look outside. She finds a door, but she also sees it locked heavily, and having some weird gadgets around it. Carmen goes to that door. Before she was about to do anything, the microphone was installed on the right side of the door, asked the girl, looking in disbelief at that door.

"Identify yourself!"

"I am Carmen," says the teenager. "I-I… The ghost of Brighton has bought me here."

"Ghost? You mean Lucian?"

"…Yeah." says Carmen, because she barely knows anything about the person who just saved her a few moments ago from a ghost.

"Good. You can come in."

The door automatically gets opened.

Carmen looked around her at first. She thinks this might be a trap, but she decides to go into it, because her soul tells her that he will tell the girl if any danger approaches her. She enters the house, and as she did that, the door locked behind her, making her jump and tremble.

"Welcome, Carmen!" says Alexia, the vampire of Team 4, rising from her couch and walking slowly to Carmen. "Let me introduce myself, young girl. My name is Alexandra. Friends and teammates call me Alexia. I am a valuable member of this team. I am a vampire and also a librarian. A good combination, I might say. And… You must be Carmen.". The vampire lady approached Carmen closely, making her feel nervous. Her body touched hers, making Carmen feel anxious about that moment.

"Um… Nice to meet you Carmen," Carmen had to say.

Alexandra leaves the girl alone. She looks at Lucian, who approaches Carmen by levitating. Lucian looks at Alexandra and tells her.

"She is able to see us."

"I noticed that," responded Alexia, walking close to Carmen's back. "She feels my touch and I can feel her."

"Really? That is great." says Lucian to Alexia, noticing she was preparing something. "Now. Should we start the analysing?"

"What?" asks Carmen to the ghost.

"Don't worry, little girl," says Alexia, injecting Carmen with a tranquillizer syringe on her neck. "This will be a quick check in order to see your Vewolf in state."


Carmen couldn't do anything to stop this. Alexia took the syringe as the entire substance was transported into the entire body of Carmen who, in a few seconds, fell on the floor. The last thing she remembered before she was falling asleep was a teenage boy entering the building by the same entrance the girl took. The boy remained still, holding in his hand something that resembled a dog and a rabbit combined.