On the back of the street, Lucian has walked the Invisible man that he is wearing a human skin, and he throws himself to the trash. After he has done that, Lucian leaves his body and he looks at him in angry.
"Who are you?" ask the Invisible man slowly having his fake face sliding down to the trash.
"I am Lucian. Member of the Team 4 Hunters. And you are under arrest." says Lucian to that Invisible Individual.
"What?" says the Invisible Individual looking scared. "W-Why are arresting me for?"
"For participating in activity of First Dimension activity of the organisms by the name of Homo sapiens."
"And how can you arrest me?" laughs the Invisible person slowly rising to his feet. "You are ghost. Things like you cannot interact with objects."
"I may not arrest you." responds the ghost, then he slowly levitates away for letting Carmen take the "spotlight". "But she can."
Carmen throws the small sphere that Lucian and Kyle had used it the time they've hunt goblins in Southampton. The moment that device has been thrown to the Invisible Individual, the thing is looking at Carmen, in distress. Then, the teenage girl, without any remorse, she presses the button to teleport the Individual to one of the free prison cells their headquarters are having available to him.
As the Invisible Individual has been destroyed in a million pieces, then teleported toward the prison cells where he will be reattached and look like nothing has happened (some teleportation requires some Individuals to be disintegrated, burned, transformed to dust or other things, but then they get regenerated and transformed back like nothing has happened), the teenage girl and the ghost are mimicking a slap hand. After this, two seconds later to be precise, the teenage girl throws up the sandwiches she has eaten.
"I will kill that Louis." says Carmen after she has made a break from vomiting those sandwiches. "O-One da-day…"
The girl continues to vomit those sandwiches as Lucian remains there, he presses on her shoulders and tell her encouraging words like a best friend from college would do for his roommate.
"Don't worry. At least you did not eat their hot dogs."