Killing zombies in Scotland - Part 13


  "Listen carefully, Carmen." says Navylian to Carmen.

  Both of hunters are in a training room, on a boxing ring, illuminated by a few lightbulbs who are barely working, a lot of weapons are laying the battle ring, mostly melee weapons like swords, knifes, daggers, knuckles and many more. About fifty weapons if you count it. Fifty different weapons from each other, and powerful in the hands of the person who can master it.

  Carmen is on the other side of the ring, she is having in her arms two brass knuckles, like the ones she is wearing in the present. The girl is looking on the brass knuckles and she observes how the claws of Vewolf are slowly rising.

  "You can use brass knuckles." continues Navylian who observes how slow the claws are rising. "But there is trouble."

  "What's the trouble?" asks Carmen worried.

  "The brass knuckles do enhance and make your claws powerful, but the thing is, they have a weakness. You need to use only when you are feeling energized and on form. You cannot use them whenever you want."


  "Because of this." he points at the claws who are still rising on a slow speed, barely managing to reach two centimetres in five seconds. "See. You have to rest and be energized whenever you have to use this weapon. Otherwise the enemy will take the advantage of this handicap and defeat you. Like today, you've been working hard with our team members to catch that pet, and the training after your working schedule, plus high school. It must've been tough for you, right?"

  "Yes, it is. But I can take it." responds Carmen to her captain.

  "You sure can. Now, all I have to tell is to remember the fighting techniques I thought you. When you will fell energized, and put these brass knuckles, I want you to test these moves, first thing when you came to workplace, at this boxing. Got it?"

  "Yes, sir!" says Carmen.

  "Good." says Navylian stepping out of the ring. Carmen follows him. "Goodnight, Carmen."

  "Same to you chief." says Carmen to her leader.

  "Hope I can." mutters the leader to himself going to the opposite exit door of this room, while Carmen takes the other exit door.

  On the next day, which was a Saturday day, which means no school for teenagers and kids, Carmen did as she was told last night, she came to the same room, where Navylian and Lucian were there, because Lucian got nothing else better to do on this fine morning. At the boxing ring, Carmen put the right brass knuckle, then she focuses on transforming her right hand into a Vewolf claw. When she did that, the hand of the Vewolf has risen a few more centimetres, and the claws have rising in height for about fifteen centimetres and have become as sharp as a sword.

  "Whoa." says Carmen looking at the claws mesmerized.

  Navylian, who is on the outside of the ring, he is looking like proud father at Carmen, he then walks to the ring, enters it, and stay near the ropes.

  "Good. Now you are having energy."

  "Yes." says Carmen excited, looking at the claws.

  "Now hit me with them." says Navylian as an order.

  "Wait, wait, wait." says Carmen who realized what Navy has just said to her. "You want me to stab you with these? What if you'll die, chief?"

  "Don't you worry about me." says Navylian, then he says a thing in Latin language which summons a golden aura around Navylian, then, with a smile on his face. "Now hit me. I cast an invincibility spell on myself for fifteen seconds. Hit me as strong and as fast you can, okay?"

  "Um… Sure." says Carmen feeling a little unsure to attack her chief even though he cast an Invincibility spell on himself.

  The hunter girl observes she has a limited time, so she decides to head into the attack rather than to waste precious time to think. She stabs the torso area of Navylian A move that did not make the man flinch a bit. When she retracted the claws, she sees how the skin and the intestines are regenerating on a fast speed on the body of Navylian, then she launches another stabbing attack, this time on the right side of the torso of Navylian. Retracts the right claw, then Carmen decides to stab the neck of Navylian. She retrieves the claws and before she would've been allowed to make a fourth attack, Navylian decides to punch Carmen in the stomach area and sends her five steps back, making her fall on the boing ring on her knees, holding the stomach.

  "You did good." says Navylian. "Three hits in about ten seconds."

  "There were ten seconds?" asks Carmen who is barely able to speak as she is holding down.

  "You attacked good, but I had to make sure you weren't hitting me before the invincibility spell was wearing off." says the chief walking close to Carmen. "You are strong, but you have to work on the endurance. Throwing a fist is easy, but taking one is the hard part for the most hunters."

  "I-I understand…" says Carmen before she was about to barf and vomit the breakfast on the boxing ring.