Mr. Collins' Dashed Ambitions

Irene was summoned to Mr. Collins office, who beamed at her as if she was a pearl that he recently found deep in the ocean. A result of years of experience, no doubt about that.

"Well, well," he said. "Isn't this wonderful? After working one week with the general manager, your accomplishments and talents have been recognized and you are now moving up the career ladder! I have always known that unattractive women are good in other aspects."

Irene felt that her patience had been tested again and again ever since she returned to Primavera. It was probably a good thing. Self-restraint was something that she lacked exercising in her secret job as a member of Die Rache.

"Thank you, Mr. Collins," Irene beamed with joy. "I am going to do my best as the CEO's new secretary."

Mr. Collins' expression darkened slightly. With a look of dismay, he leaned closer to Irene and whispered, "Don't. Primavera will be ruined if more unattractive girls make it to the company. No offense."


Mr. Collins did not sound sorry at all.

The CEO's office had been left empty ever since Mr. Henderson Sr. decided to retreat from the position and yet refused to appoint a new one.

When Damian was suddenly appointed on Friday night, the HR department employees had to say goodbye to their weekend. Some were still partying at the hottest club in town when they received information that they must come to work on the weekend to prepare for Damian's entry into the company.

Thanks to the hardworking HR employees, when Damian Henderson showed up on Monday, he was given a company access card, an ID card, and a nicely put-together welcome package.

His office was cleaned, coffee was prepared, and a bunch of office materials were neatly laid inside the drawer.

The only thing that he lacked was a secretary to help him get used to the job.

Now, everyone must remember that this newly-anointed CEO was handsome, single, and rich. He was everything that an unmarried woman in Primavera longed for: a husband material, a gold mine.

That being said, before Mr. Damian Henderson even showed up at the parking lot of Primavera, Mr. Collins received a lot of phone calls from female employees who begged him to please not look for the secretary outside of the company. They all would love to be considered ahead of all those ugly, inexperienced women out there.

In Mr. Collins' opinion, this was not necessarily a bad thing. A capable and hardworking secretary contributed to a CEO's success. If he, the HR Manager, managed to send a pretty girl with a good brain in the CEO's direction, surely that would boost his name in front of the CEO.

He had planned to send Camilla Vaughan, the prettiest girl from the Accounting Department to Mr. Damian Henderson. Alas, Chris Henderson saw this as a golden opportunity to get rid of Irene Gallagher.

Thanks to both him and Irene Gallagher, Mr. Collins lost his chance to shine. This displeased the HR Manager so that he could not help but sigh heavily while he took Irene to the highest floor of the building.

The whole floor was reserved for the CEO only.

It was lavishly decorated according to old man Henderson's taste. His taste was not only ancient but also ostentatious.

A lavish office lounge lay to the left side of the floor.

Paintings of past CEOs proudly lined the empty walls left and right, all of them looked grim and cheerless.

Oriental vases stood tall on the dark marble floor, separated perfectly from each other by two-meter distances.

From inside each vase, a few cherry branches poked out.

On the right side was a huge meeting room that was reserved for the CEO's meetings. It was enclosed within four glass walls so everyone could see what was happening inside.

At the end of the floor was an automatic glass door that opened up to the secretary's working station. Left and right, there were two desks facing each other. Both of them had computers, shelves, racks, and drawers.

After passing this area, they finally landed in front of Damian Henderson's office.

When they arrived in front of the door, Irene could hear the faint murmurs of a phone conversation from inside the room. It died abruptly as if Damian was aware of their arrival.

Mr. Collins awkwardly cleared his throat and knocked at the door.

"Mr. CEO, Sir, I am here with your new secretary."

"Come on in," answered the new CEO.

Just as Irene thought, Damian was in the middle of a phone conversation. He still had his phone in his hand as he walked toward his own desk. A deep trench between his brows showed that he was annoyed by their sudden appearance.

"This is Miss Irene Gallagher," Mr. Collins introduced Irene. "She is very capable. She served as General Manager Chris Henderson's secretary before, so she knows a thing or two about how things work around here."

Unfortunately, considering that Irene Gallagher had only worked for not even a week for Chris Henderson, a thing or two were most likely all that she knew. Mr. Collins merely hoped that Damian did not assume that Irene was a miracle worker.

She really was not.

"I understand," Damian said. "You may leave."

"Yes, Sir."

Mr. Collins threw Irene one last warning look before he left the office.

"Come closer," Damian urged Irene.

The woman raised her head to look at Damian, their eyes inadvertently locked on each other.

"So," he said while looking Irene up and down. "I didn't expect to see you so soon again."

Irene flashed the man a professional smile.

"I am honored to be able to serve you, Mr. Henderson. Is there anything that I can help you with?"


Damian went around his desk and walked toward Irene. His pace was unhurried, but his steps reverberated in Irene's head. A warning bell tolled in Irene's head, warning her about something. Her eyes inadvertently search the room for a weapon. Something that she could use just in case Damian Henderson tried to do something.