Don't Provoke me

       Cherry was proud of herself as all the students held the paper she wrote,  anxiously reading each and every word, she had worked on it all weekend just to perfect it and even the head line was more captivating than she thought: THE SECRETS OF THE LONE WOLF- WHAT HIDES BEHIND THAT SEXY GRIN.

        Everyone was talking about the speculations and conspiracy theories that they had somehow suddenly thought about while reading Cherry's paper. Cherry walked proudly through the hall listening to the soothing sounds of everyone's whispers.

      In the paper there was a picture of Troy's manors compound, him stopping a bus and wearing sunglasses while playing a match. All these pictures rose many questions and every one couldn't wait for Cherry's next paper with him as the subject.

    "Cherry is it true that you entered into his home" someone said as he sighted her from afar.

      "Yeah, it's really nice and it looks expensive"

       "What are your speculations", another asked, by now she had already been crowded with people.

      "A good journalist doesn't speculate, she finds out the truth then publishes it"

      "When next are you writing a paper on this subject?"

        "I don't know, depends on how much information i gather"

     The bell rang and all of them scattered to go for their classes while Cherry kept on walking with her head high until she felt herself getting swooped up her feet being moved, It took a few seconds to get to a corridor where very few people took, it would've originally taken about two minutes to get there.

      " Is this going to be a habit Troy", Cherry said as she rolled her eyes, she wasn't surprised to see him.

     " Depends on if you do what I say or not"

      "What do you mean?" She said in both curiosity and confusion.

       " Don't get tangled up in my business again and you'll never get to see me again"


     "Before it was just you trying to mess me up, now the whole school wants to, you don't need to try to fix it up, I'll deal with it, just stop writing stuff about me"

         "You have to be grateful, I've boosted your popularity rates"

      Tory groaned in frustration, the fact that she was still ignorant of what she had done annoyed him and it was even more frustrating that he couldn't explain it to her.

    " Never write another paper about me miss Keller", he said in an obvious attempt to provoke her .

       "And what if I chose to", she said in a stubborn tone.

       " Do you really want to know miss Keller", he said as he gave a devilish smirk. Cherry suddenly felt an intense Change in atmosphere and a pressure that seemed to suffocate and paralyze her, she couldn't explain the sudden feeling of fear in her, she felt herself shivering and shaking in fear and she couldn't explain why. He rose her head to meet her eyes and a single gaze in her eyes increased the amount of fear she felt by 200 percent.

  "There's one advice I can give you miss Keller", his devilish smirk turned into an evil grin.

     " Do not provoke me", he said as he left her trembling in the fearfully cold atmosphere he left behind and actually contemplating on wether she should write another article or not. She was about to give up but due to her astonishing determination she decided that she was going going to get to the bottom of Troy's mystery even if she didn't write an article.


   "Cherry, I expected more concentration from you since you came late to my class", the teacher said as he hit Cherry's table and it caused her to jerk as though she was being woken up from a really interesting fantasy. The teacher noticed that she had been In her normal thinking position for a while now and had to snap her out of it. The  tip of her pen was always on her chin when she was thinking.

         " Cherry, you're one of my A students, I don't want your grades to drop because you're busy thinking of what next to write in your paper"

        "I'm sorry Mr forger", Cherry apologized as she looked at the board.

        "Speaking about grades, oi noticed you've got a problem in one subject In particular, physics"

      Cherry wasn't surprised about  this, her home room teacher was also a physics teacher and for some reason she really didn't get along with the subject.

        "I'll be assigning you to a grade 12 tutor, it's for you to decide if you're talking the lessons on school grounds or at home"

       "Understood sir"

      Cherry tried to focus for the rest of the class but couldn't, she was busy in her mind trying to find the perfect way to unravel the mysteries of Troy Rivers. She suddenly smirked after a while of hard thinking because she had finally gotten an idea that had ninety percent chance of working.


     Every year the grade 12 students held a party at the beginning of the blood moon week, it had been a tradition for years and no one even knows how or why the tradition started. Sometimes, they invited grade ten and eleven students and with her popularity rate she was definitely going to get invited, plus, her brother was head of the students council and he knew the tantrum she was going to throw if he didn't put her name on the invitation list. The grade 12 students usually picked the house of the student they would throw the party in and they were probably picking the students house this week because the blood moon was next week. Now she just had to find a way to make the party fall in Troy's house.