Only Twenty students from other grades were supposed to attend the party and it was Holland and the students council's duty to pick out who was worth it.

      He looked at the invitation list they had made and found out that his sister's name was first on the list, no way was he going to let her attend the party, not while she was still worried about digging out stories about Troy.

          "Why don't we invite Hellen instead of Cherry"

             "Why? Sure Hellen is fine but Cherry is one of the most respected people in school", a member said in an inquisitive tone.


   "Your sister? We understand you're trying to look out for her, we'll scrap out her name"

     Holland didn't have to say a word before they understood what was going on.


   the sound of Cherry's  phone indicated that a message had just entered she rushed, grabbed it and she opened the phone quickly. She had been anticipating to message for a while now, it was the parties  invitation list, her heart dropped to the floor as she searched frantically for her name but couldn't find it among the Twenty names that were there. who the hell were they expecting to write the paper about the party , this wasn't happening to her,no, not only did it spoil her name it also stained her reputation.

    She marched up to Hollands room and barged in without even knocking, he was on the bed and the look on his face showed he was confused and should show her phone to him.

"what is this", she said as tears welded up in her eyes but she wouldn't let them drop.

   "The invitation list where's my name", she asked as Holland finally understood what this was about.                           "so all you want to do is to spoil my reputation I was counting on this party Holland"

   Holland noticed how heartbroken his sister was an attempted to stand up from the bed but she closed the door before he could get to her she ran to her room and locked the door to prevent him from entering she was so upset that she had forgotten her phone with him.

"come on cherry ,open up", he said  as he knocked the door but nobody answered.

     "Your phone is out here",  he said as he walked away after minutes of trying to get to her.

    Cherry waited until she heard the sound of Hollands room open and close she then opened the door to her room and crawls out and picked her phone then immediately locked the door again.

    She cleaned her tears and gave a smirk.

" that would put enough guilt in him"  she said to herself she had obviously faked crying just to make him feel guilty.

" now time to think of the plan to get into the party".

      Students were only allowed in with the invitation list but boys who came in with their girlfriends from other grades didn't need an invitation list for them, in other words it was time to find a new boyfriend within less than a week.


     You would think they're finding a boyfriend will be a hard job for cherry but with her looks and curves she will get anyone obsessed with her within hours. She had Curly medium length light brown hair with nutty Brown deep eyes a small pointed nose and and small cherry coloured lips her skin was smooth and soft it was so milky you would think it was actual milk, it seems as delicate as a baby skin her cheeks seemed like it was naturally pink even without makeup and her curves were the definition of perfection and she knew the perfect person to date.

    Travis the assistant captain of the soccer team Travis had a lot of girls all over him but the one thing they didn't know was that the only person who belonged to Travis's heart was  her.  

         Travis had been trying to get her for months now but she had been playing hard to get, now is the time to drop the act.


      The next they doing lunch she gathered courage and stood up from her table and walked towards to soccer teams table as she swayed her waist from side to side causing stares  by most of the boys in the room, most girls didn't dare going to the soccer boys table or else they would risk being ridiculed by not just the soccer team but by the whole dining hall to the girls were shocked at her brave move.

      Travis a blonde headed guy with blue eyes and natural good looks was talking to his friends when she walked up to him and puts on her sexiest voice on.

    " Travis I need to talk to you", Travis looks at her in shock and glares  came at her from all directions people were desperately waiting for Travis's response .

  "sure thing", he stood up and left the dining hall with her and they were followed by numerous eyes  giving them stares.

   " what do you want to talk about sweet cheeks", he said as they got outside the door.

    "  well I've never found it hard to play hard to get for anyone before, I know I've waited a while before I chose to do the this but you've got me thinking lately maybe you are..... "

   "you  don't need to say anything else sweet cheeks", Travis said as he interrupted her one may be astonished at the level of Cherry's confidence because immediately she stopped talking she reached out and gave him a peck on the lips which he quickly turns into a horse French kiss his hands were wrapped around her waist and has around his neck,  people suddenly started coming out of the dinning hall and saw them in that position they began to shout and cheer for them.

   Travis stopped to take a breath and whispered something in her ears.

"so I don't need to ask you to come with me to the party do I?  just for formalities would you come to the party with me?"

"  sure thing" she said with a smile on her face and he pecked her again on the lips.

" see after the class sweet cheeks"  he says to her her as he lets her waist go and slowly walked away like he had achieved something.

     "Things are getting hotter first headline Cherry and Travis spicy relationship", she said to herself as she types the very first headline for the week or her phone.

   A girl with blonde hair and dark green screamed as she met Cherry in her locker room, it was Marcy Cherry's best friend since middle school.

"so I was in class during lunch drawing out my moves for our next cheer routine when a message pops up on my phone" she sounded very excited.

   "and  what is it", Cherry  asked in anticipation this she waved her  phone screen in Cherry's  face showing her a video clip then she screamed.

  "you didn't tell me you were planning on accepting, that French kiss was on point" she said as she held Cherry's hand and they screamed together.

    "I know right I shocked myself to", Cherry said in apparent excitement.

"  so I'm going with my boyfriend Scott and we should totally pick dresses together matching jewelry"

   "it's  like you read my mind"

            Marcy  looked up and noticed someone coming up behind them this made her leave Cherry instantly which left Cherry in shock but she understood what he had done when Travis's figure came suddenly right in front of her apparently he had come to escort her to her next class just spend a little time with her, he does know how to make a girl feel special.

      The whole day was spent talking about her Travis it was like the whole school knew of this new relationship and of course Holland was included in the whole school.


Travis was in the shower room after a long soccer practice with coach when Holland suddenly entered the shower next to him.

"I heard about... " .

      Travis  didn't him need to listen complete a statement or he already knew what he was going to talk about.   "yeah she's a really nice girl" 

    "I trust you will hurt Travis but I need you to do me a favour"

"what's that?" he asked

   "  don't take her to the party"

     "I'm  sorry bro I already asked her"          Travis walked out of the shower room with a towel on his waist.

"fuck ", Holland  said in frustration when he realised there was no way of stopping his sister from going to the party.