A Cloak of Shadow

It was just a library.

And Aesther was in dire need of answers, anything that could help her help herself. She ignored those carnal whispers and walked inside. They did not bother her again.

But she could not recall the sections of different kinds of books. Aesther randomly stopped in front of a large shelf and pulled out a book.

It was as if someone had read thoughts. 

Aesther slowly smiled. In her hands, there was a large black volume entitled the 'The Beastly Vessels' in worn-out bronze letters.

But as she opened it, Aesther could not remember selecting this book. Its pages were a little different, and the colours of the leather-bound cover did not seem right.

It reeked of a strange coppery smell.

Aesther wrinkled her nose and flipped the pages, looking for any mentions of an instance that resembled her. But she soon found something far more interesting.