The Mourning Stars

He was surprised.

Not sure if he even heard her right. Ezrahl told himself that it must be the wine getting to his head. It was one thing that she called for him in her drunken haze. But to say 'Ezra'…

Her cold and somewhat broken voice reminded him of when she was sick all those months ago. The way Aesther whispered his name while holding him so close. The way she made his mind wander…

Ezrahl smothered those thoughts before they had the time to take root.

Inez sighed in exhaustion and glanced at him with a small smile, "Do you mind taking over from here?"

He looked at her with uncertainty but before Ezrahl could say anything, Inez added. "I have volunteer duty tonight, it will take a lot to sort out the gifts and sigh… you know it right?"

There wasn't any reaction on Ezrahl's face. A little while passed before he slightly nodded. As for Inez, she glanced at Aesther one last time before silently leaving the room.