A Waning Moon

The two of them could be often seen together.

Day in and day out, during the hours of storms and in the hours of beaming sun. Aesther sharpening her sword as Ezrahl read some ancient scrolls, with him showing us the right form of a swordsman as Aesther watched with her cheeks propped in one hand.

A helpless smile on her lips.

Or sometimes she would feed the goats of the temple, and Ezrahl would watch the flock of chirping birds building thier nest. For the lessons, they would walk on the cobblestone path together.

It's stones cracked from age.

And Ezrahl quietly followed her.

Sometimes Aesther would keep feeling like there was a shifting emotion in her heart, but the careless thought would easily fall and fade like the melting of a lone snowflake.

He was her knight.