The Cursed Legend

The atmosphere was so heavy that it felt like it was about to explode—no one dared to make a sound, waiting in anticipation, fear, as well as doubt.

How is this possible?

But if it was…

The thick pool of mist stirred as a pentagonal magic array gleamed under the shrouding fog. A dull crackling sound sparked in the air before a large box of thick iron erupted out of the array.

It was long and wide, with engraved runes that brightly glowed in the mist.

Aesther gaze trailed over the marks and ancient inscriptions. The box alone could cost millions of gold, a heavily sealed artefact that was strong enough to suppress even higher creatures of the dark realm.

Who would go so far as to use such a box to hide a fake sword?

She found it funny and glanced back to say something to Ezrahl but just then