Escape To Toe Part Four

The pair crossed a few miles after Sheng Wang caught the small spiritual tadpoles for Hao. The toddler's eyes never left his pudgy soft hands, still holding the small crystalline creatures like they were natural treasures and gems.

Sometimes, he would poke the small tadpoles with his chubby index fingers to produce a spiritual reaction from the small creatures. Although his eyes didn't pick on the elemental traces produced by the creatures, due to him not being in possession nor having awakened his spiritualist's soul.

He could still see a small blinking flash of light shine on the creature's moist skin, the small tingling that accompanied him made the small child giggle innocently every time he sensed the creature twirl in his palms.

Sheng Wang's eyes flashed with satisfaction, the view of his little grandson enjoying life with an outgoing curiosity made him feel appeased. He couldn't help but feel that he needed to dote on the growing toddler, showering him with love and attention now that they only had themselves as family members.

"He's still playing with the froglet. Life in the capital must have been rough for him…" The old grandfather thought quietly between two sighs. "Maybe it is for the best that he is going to grow far from the trouble linked to the succession of the royal family."

"In the end… For this child, this place will end up being far more beneficial for his own growth."

"Must be for the best…" he tried stopping his mind from rehashing the events related to the Jianshen Empire. He exhaled a long breath from his lungs, taking out the morose and dark thoughts that had piled up over the course of the journey.

Even for someone like Sheng Wang, with an ample experience in life that spanned through the course of a little less than a hundred years. The matters related to the death of the Sheng Clan were torturing him.

"Turning the page is for the best…" he added as his eyes caught on Hao approaching another pond.

The little toddler crouched awkwardly in front of a small stream of running water, his hands plunged deep on the dirty water without any attention for the garment that clothed his chubby body.

The young child's face flashed in surprised as his mouth released a yap filled with unexpected surprise.

"Fast!" thought Tim as he felt the tadpoles turn into slippery ghosts that slid from the palm of his hands the moment the creatures turned wet.

"This world is definitely interesting…" "

"Full of surprises!" his eyes shone brightly as he felt his heartbeat speed up from excitation.

The facial expression that appeared on Sheng Hao's face was one that could be easily misunderstood as the toddler's cheeky face turned slightly red with watery eyes.

"That was for the best!" Sheng Wang exclaimed quietly with kindness suffused in his tone.

"Don't cry little Sheng Hao." He exclaimed in a quiet tone. "If you didn't put them back in water, they would have turned sick after a few minutes outside."

The small toddler nodded a few times before rising back to his feet, he once again held the hand of his grandfather as they resumed their steps toward the end point of their journey.

"I wonder why it feels so good to hold this grandfather's hands… I can sense he didn't have an easy life." Pondered Tim quietly as he didn't stop himself from playing the cute grandson in front of the experienced Sheng Wang.

"Guess I'm already starting to get used to this body." He mumbled quietly with his feet nearly tripping on a small pebble.

"All that strange milk must have helped my body grow quite well during the weeks of traveling… I wonder where I can get some more of that." Sheng Hao pondered quietly as he carefully took one tiny step after another next to his grandfather. His round eyes looked left and right, feeling that nothing could hurt him when he was with the experienced old man.

"I wonder where we are currently headed?" he thought as he felt that the area surrounding them wasn't close to a city.

"During the past week, all I've seen are mountains, jungles… And even more mountains!" He pondered soundlessly before adding. "We've also even been through that huge volcano…" his mind was lost as he remembered some scenery from the past week of travel with his Grandfather Sheng Wang.

"All living beings here seemed to be able to store, control and manipulate some strange energy that seemed to have a sort of intrinsic elemental characteristic…" he looked back at the small pond where he had dropped the small tadpoles.

"Even these little froglets seemed to be able to manipulate that energy with ease…"

"I guess I'll just have to ask this kind grandfather of mine for some assistance…" A flash of greed appeared on his eyes before he threw that thought on the back of his mind as his eyes preferred cherishing the soothing view that entered his iris.

"Scenery like these are far too few on Earth…" he thought as he couldn't help but pity the poor state of his old world. Thankfully, Grandfather Wang didn't notice the change in the small toddler's eyes. Too focused on the road ahead due to being hell-bent on securing the child's life.

Sheng Wang's mind seemed to have eased up the more they approached the end of their journey. A quiet and calm village named Toe. The village, similar to its name, had been named after its small size and was hidden in the middle of a natural no man's land zone.

On the outskirt of the Caballero County, the weakest region affiliated to the weakest Empire that existed in the Portalia Continent.

The journey had been long and arduous, even for an experienced man. Thankfully, the small toddler seemed to be extremely conscientious throughout the journey and even seemed to be hanging tightly on his back when he sensed danger.

Sheng Wang couldn't help but praise his grandson in his heart, he knew of far too many stories and songs that foretold events where children of that age weren't aware yet of the dangers existing in this world.

Fortunately, none of these events happened throughout their journey in crossing the infamous no man's land that separated the empires of the Portalia Continents. Now, only less than a few kilometers were separating them from the elusive and discreet Toe Village. The idle paradise that was supposed to shelter them from the persecution of the Jianshen army's hunt could appear at any moment.

That feeling caused the old man to relax his sense as he too started enjoying the calm and serene atmosphere that surrounded them. Sheng Wang's eyes were absorbed by the colorful view, his mind rejuvenating by the extensive greenery that blended with the plethora of colors from the different flowers sitting next to the road.

It was as if the floral road had been paved to direct people to the Toe Village. Before long, the road continued further and once again delved inside a small patch of old trees.

The trunks from these hundred-year-old trees extended for more than dozens of meters and created a cold and fresh area for whoever dared stepped inside the small forest. As soon as the pair stepped into the forest, Sheng Wang's eyes changed slightly with a small twitch appearing on his thick eyebrows.

His sharp sense didn't miss the odd feeling that coursed his body. "Looks like we've just traversed a barrier… Must be the correct path!" he assessed without stopping his feet from advancing.

The old man's facial expression didn't change more than that. But the hand that held the small Hao seemed to tense up slightly as he grasped his little palms with a better grip.

He cycled his spiritual energy throughout his pathways, ready to defend the life of his grandson in the shortest notice.

"Weird…" thought Tim as the series of action didn't escape his notice. He couldn't help but feel apprehensive either as it wasn't the first time he had seen his grandfather act like this. Usually this atmosphere that currently surrounded Sheng Wang would only take place when they would face beasts or deadly terrain.

However this time, it seemed that he was far colder than when he was dealing with the dire spiritual beasts they had met through their journey.

"I wonder if there are foes here!" Tim added in his mind as he couldn't help but feel that fights would definitely be grandiose in this type of world.

He had seen his grandfather in action more than a few times already, except that most of these times he was hiding in his back or inside the grasp of a thick muscular arm that seemed to be capable of shielding him from anything and everything. Plus, he had yet to see how people fought in this world, which made Sheng Hao tense a little bit too.

Back on Earth, there was a period of Tim's life where he had been attracted to martial arts and brawling competitions. There, there was a saying that said that every single man in the world had already dreamed at least once of becoming the strongest in the world. Sadly most of these dreamers only maintained that status quo. Simply, a dream to be forgotten.

Here, things seemed different. He had many opportunities to see the strength his old grandfather was able to exert, despite the head filled with patches of white and gray locks. The broad shoulders and vast back that seemed to be able to shoulder a falling mountain wasn't something that could be found on Earth.

Strangely, it was as if destiny had heard the reincarnated drunkard's wish. Suddenly, out of nowhere. A streak of flashing light popped out from behind one of the many massive trees that made out the small forest patch.

"How dare you!" blurted Sheng Wang with his senses instantly taking notice of the strange attack. His iris turned into slits as his breathed one long and swift exhalation that produced steaming vapor all around him.

His body moved. The hand grabbing Sheng Hao exerted enough strength to propel the small toddler toward his back as his hand rose toward the trajectory of the flashing light. All the actions were done in one motion, without any break between them as he prepared himself to face the peculiar hidden attack.

"Still the same volcanic temper!" responded the voice that seemed to have expected Sheng Wang's reaction. However, the flashing light didn't disappear. It was in fact the contrary as the light accelerated further toward the pair of traveling grandfather and grandson.

As soon as the voice entered the ears of the grandfather, his eyes opened widely as he couldn't help but curse out loud.

"That mad bitch!?" Sheng Wang howled as surprise colored the expression of his wrinkled old face.

Rings of lights flashed around his arms. One after another until they turned into seven colored rings. Sheng Wang's control over his spiritual energy and the speed at which he summoned his spiritual soul was a clear sign of an expansive battle experience that was developed through dozens of years of real battle.

"Why did it have to be that moody old hag…" blurted Sheng Wang as a massive black broadsword appeared in his hands. The colorful rings of light shone brighter and circled around the dark blade.

He grasped the timing of the projectile, without waiting further he acted. His arms rose high toward the ceiling before dropping down in one motion, viciously chopping at the approaching lights that threatened to freeze his soul.

"Vitenka!" he howled while lunching a deadly blow as an image of a fair-looking maiden appeared in his mind. The memories related to that person were touching to the earliest part of his life. Years where he had traveled through the Portalia Continent and created his own legends.

The moment the person that had lunched the sneak attack heard the name pronounced by Sheng Wang, the ominous flashing light disappeared right before making contact with the old man.

His massive chop missed the spot but the aftereffect of his blow produced several whirlwind that viciously danced throughout the forest, slashing and wreaking the numerous trees surrounding him.

The small Sheng Hao didn't blink through the entirety of the course of action. His mind studied every single frame that was captured by his large watery eyes.

Too focused, he didn't even notice the moment when his fragile body was raised by the air current. His small body soon turned into a broken kite that flew straight toward one massive tree that threatened to viciously split his skull in half if he dared to crash on it.

"Hao!" screamed the grandfather that had been far too destabilized by the individual named Vitenka and failed to react in time.

He only had the time to turn around with his eyes seeing the trajectory of the boy's flight. His mind envisioned the atrocious scene that was probably going to happen.

"He can't die!" Sheng Wang growled between his clenched teeth as he circulated his energy to the utmost, nearly reopening the injuries he had suffered in that macabre night.


"You never change… Still didn't learn how to keep your calm even with that white head of yours!" sighed the individual named Vitenka. Her eyes glowed softly and the massive tree that was in Hao's trajectory disappeared. The magical act revealed that the area surrounding the pair had turned into a vast lush dell, devoid of any of the trees that made out the calm forest.