

I find that I always think about the past. What happened yesterday, what happened years ago. The stupid mosquito that keeps singing to me every time I take a step in any direction of a tree. They're suddenly everywhere. Where was I? Yes, monologuing about my constant need to stay in the past.

What? No.


About a week ago, I tried on a disgusting wedding dress. Not so much has changed since then. Besides one, very annoying factor. Dante. He insisted I begin my work as- the fuck if I know what he called me. But I resolve disputes. I think. I should opt to get a dictionary. Refresh my mind. Maybe there are better synonyms, and cuss words that I can find there.

Anyway, a week ago after that nonsense dress trial, I have found that people are stupid. And man, stupid needs to be an acronym for a fully complied set of insults because it just isn't enough. I've had to settle fights between beekeepers who produce the honey. Hair dresses who accidentally burnt a single strand off a person's head, and then a who is the father situation that was just too surreal.

A new week has begun for me, and I'm already willing to call it quits. And I would. If it wasn't for Dante! He'll never let me hear the end of it, and I don't want to appear incompetent. Everyone works. Why shouldn't I.

My lips form a letter O, and I make a popping sound. Kiki startles from her trance next to me.

The streets are a lot busier today. I guess that is normal for a Monday in an populated town.

I used to watch old movies when I was kid. Movies that showed these busyness in the early mornings. There was one about a girl, she lives in a different part of the world. Different place, called Japan. She was killed in the movie but they allowed us to see her life during the first thirty minutes.

My mom was scared it would ruin my mind, but I think she figured I'd see worse happen from peaking out of my window.

I remember the name, Stalking Yue. Thirty minutes, Yue had thought someone was watching her. Her Monday life was horrendous, and busy. She had to get up at a certain time or her father would be disappointed. She feared that more than anything. Then she took the train where she sat next to a strange man, he stared at her the whole way. She mentioned his smell was of fishes, and a dry blood.

Yue then walked the rest of the way to her school once the train stopped. Got to her class, and begun her day. Busy, busy, busy. Laughing with friends during lunch. I was in awe of her school, her friends, and her language. Didn't know what it was called, at the time. Had to ask my parents for that information.

Thankfully the movie had a translated text.

It seemed like a normal everyday high school teen movie.

Then it got darker. She returned home late, taking the same train. She didn't see the same man, she'd only waved to the police officer patrolling. But Yue swore in her mind, she felt someone breathing on her skin once the train started moving. And me, watching this, I couldn't see the person. The train was truly empty.

The whole movie went south when she reached her front door step, and the scene cut off to her parents coming home to find a butchered, bloodied Yue Tsukahara displayed on their living room floor. Uniform torn, face disfigured. Parts missing. And a lipstick stain on her cheek.

The entire movie wasn't meant to be in her point of view as it turns out. It was meant to be in a man's view, and that was when we were introduced to him.

Her killer.

Her stalker.

Aio Saigawa.

I placed my hand on my head, blocking the sun's ray. A cottage came in sight, several more surrounding it. I guess these people built their homes to fit the exact pattern.

I wish I could find that movie again. I'm glad it was fictional. All they did was explain his side. When he started stalking her. I got to see the dark aspects of Yue's life that the first thirty minutes hid. I saw him break into her room. Watch her sleep. It got so creepy, I couldn't finish the movie in one day.

And he was never caught. The lipstick made it look like a female had done it. Or that there were two killers. No signs of forced entry, so she must have know them. The skill he used to chop her up, wasn't too forceful that you would compare the strengths between a man and a woman to pinpoint who might have done it. And more importantly, they have never had any interactions for him to even be a suspect.

He was a classic office worker, sitting across from her on the train. He only spared her one glance when she walked in that day, and stuck to his book until she left. Nothing suspicious. She had no idea he already knew her. Or that she was good to die that night.

He was also under her seat.

Such beauty. I remember, I had seen that same man dressed in a black tux, amongst other passengers. But he went back to his book so I thought nothing of it.

I shuddered, trust no one. I swear. It'll leave you in shambles later on. Even the person who you think isn't paying attention to you, can be a your killer.

If I could find that movie again, I would. And I would rewatch it. No regrets. It was a masterpiece. Chilling, but still a great movie.

"This is the place. Just let me knock, and get her out."

I didn't respond as Kiki was already bounding up the steps to the front door. Her finger curled, forming a small fist to tap on the pitch white door.

We're in a much different part of the pack, all cottages as far as the eye can see. I'm here on personal matters.

Not personal for me, but for some lady called Peaches and her husband Tailgate.

Or was it Hennessey? Ugh! I should get a notepad.

And actually start paying attention.

Since they don't pay here, working is just another fork in my existence.

This is the last thing I have to do today, then there's the order of restocking the fridge. With Lynx. Dante is apparently going to be busy, so I have to pick up his daughter and get groceries.

Which should be interesting, and I'm kind of excited for it. To shop, like a normal person. Ah! What's it like? Can I parade around the stalls for hours without being jumped or having to check the expiration date of every meal I see?

AHHH I bet that's it!

It sounds so much easier. I've seen people do it in chick flicks.



Right, work first.

I pushed my left hand out to the lady. Primed up with what smells like ashes and a fire hazard waiting to happen. Peaches is a perfect replica to her name. Her manicured fingers, long and pink, wrap around my hand.

Her eyes give me a once over, and she snorts something I can't pick up.

My shoulders rise in a shrug, and I retrieve my hand.

"Hi, I'm peaches. That's ma' husband Tailgate."

Wow. His name is actually Tailgate?

"Nice to meet you both."

She hums, "It's an honor to finally see the Luna."

"I was told you had a major problem." I glanced towards her husband. A thick, and tall man, with a baseball cap on his hand. And toothpick at the side of his mouth. Why do I feel like I've seen people like them before?

Right! There was a movie like this. Only they were the type of people shooting guns at some innocent couple and kidnapping them.

I think there was a word someone used in the film. I can't quite recall right now.

He pulled at the slacks of his overalls, and joined his wife at the bottom of the steps.

"She called you because she got offended-"

Peaches breaks into a dramatic gasp. "Offended?! You are cheating on me."

Really? That's why I made the effort to walk out here instead of waiting for hour for you guys to hurl yourselves to my office.

"That isn't a reason to-" they cut my off before I can explain that this is not a reason to call for me. I have my rules. Important internal, and external disputes.

"You had a dream about it! I wouldn't cheat. I'd kill you, that's what you should be worried about."


"I don't believe you. Why don't you let the pretty lady talk and we'll see?"

"Why don't you grow a brain underneath those extensions?"

I pinched my nose, turning to look at the house on the farther end. Some close to red, bright flashing red, sparks and smoke rises through the chimney. I flutter my lashes, and wipe my eyes, seeing nothing like that again. The house that looked like it was about to catch on fire, was normal. A simple cottage like the rest.

These eyes are messing with me.

I reeled my gaze back to the couple, and then Kiki. She seemed interested in their topic.


Peaches flinches, and tailgate turns his eyes to glare. The tooth pick in his mouth twist along with mouth to show his anger.

And again, I'm not even checking for their marks! What is wrong with you Noelle?

"Don't shout, you're scaring my wife."

"Oh find some balls." I hiss. "It is not my job to solve this. Kiki is all for romance. Argue it out to her."

Peaches reaches for my hand, a plea in her eyes. It's fake. I can see the thin twitch of a smirk begging to let out.

"But you handle problems?"

"Between business partners, or shit that isn't marriage. It has to actually have an effect. The two of you deciding to not sleep on the same bed anymore is the biggest endgame to your argument from what I can see. So I'm appointing my gamma, to aide you."


"I'm perfect for this, I assure you." Kiki confirms, I wonder if it showed that I was about to say something rude. With the new easy temper I'm developing, I'm starting to realize that if I had ended up as a zeta, I would be just as bad as the baton boys.

I cringe at that. Forcing some control into my anger.

Peaches finally releases me, and I say my quick goodbyes to them.

I have better control. What is happening to me? I sniffle while walking, something runs down my nose. My thumb swipes it, and I'm appalled to find a trickle of red.

I wiped it off on the back of my shirt. Shaking my head to check for more. My father taught me this. If you have a little nose bleed, and you can make more by a shake of your head, you need to get checked by an adult. Does it still apply when you're THE adult in that situation?

Nothing comes out, and relief calms my heart. My stomach unclamps.

Just get to Lynx, get groceries, and go back to the house. Micah is with her. You are fine.

You are fine.

Maybe a few more times and I'll actually believe it. It's the virus. That's the reason why I saw that house burning, and it explains the nosebleed. We're all infected. So in ways, we are all sick.

I'm sick.

That shouldn't bring me comfort but it does.

When the sounds of little kids playing and laughing floats around, I heave out the breath I was holding. Hurrying up to go get Dante's daughter.