

I have always had a bit of a devil inside of me. A little voice that told me to do things. It didn't control me, merely made suggestions that I thought were fun. My parents were really relaxed about my anitics, as long as it didn't endanger our lives. 

The worst they would do was taking away my television privileges for an entire week. The longest I could ever go without watching TV. Not anymore. I haven't seen a movie since they died. 

The reason I'm humming the tune Lynx and I use for doing the dishes around dinner time, is because of what I'm doing. Stashing guns in places I can reach them, and no one will know about them. Kiki will be here in a minute, and I woke you so early just to get this done. Dante's still at home.

I know I'm screwed if he finds out. He specifically said-

'No guns.'