

Dante has two other sides, and Lynx has known about them throughout her existence. That was the conclusion I came too after a moment of losing my shit, internally of course. On the outside I maintained this calm expression. 

"You look like a dying rat." Lucifer comments, pointing at me with a small metal spoon. 

Right, I'm calm on the inside. On the outside, my discomfort is obvious. I know I'm not the most reliable narrator of my life. I see everything in my own way, which leaves me with alot of questions in the end but this? I don't know how to process it. 

I resorted to the knowledge I'd gathered from reading thriller novels, and watching old movies. What was that one book again? 

The main character had dual personalities. 

I glanced at Lucifer. A complete flip of Dante. His emotions are worn on his sleeves. You know he's angry. No seriously, he's gotten frustrated twice with an appliance, and he broke them.