

I don't know how Noelle did it, but she's somehow managed to tame the beast that is chaos, but she's asked us to call him shepherd. As it is a more normal name to tell the pack. 

My brothers haven't been outside though. We're cooking together and waiting for Lynx to wake up for breakfast. There are spare rooms but they haven't been prepared yet, so the boys will be sleeping on Noelle's room until I've arranged up their bedroom.

Shepherd, I'll admit is a much better name. The man the name is attached too, I can't say anything good for. He lied to me, to Lucy, and he's been fucking with Noelle's mind for years. That's fucking awful. I had no clue. And I find it a little bit too much of a coincidence, that Noelle ended up being infected. Guess, I'm not the only one with secrets.