A boat


The spear in my hand feels heavy, but since we arrived here, I could just sit in the RV and wait for the men to do everything Milo is parked on my back, he fell asleep but didn't want to let go of me so this is now my job. Lynx is on Dante's shoulders while Lucifer and Shepherd do most of the search. After driving for two more days, we came across a little path that led to this boarded up mansion. Unlike the lart hazardous place we went too, this one lacks the stench of wolfsbane and looks exactly like you'd expect from a mansion in an apocalypse. It's messy. Broken glasses are everywhere. There so much dust. The way I see it, the last person who lived here might have been about twenty years ago. This house reeks. And the blood splatter is covered in dead maggots and the living ones feasting on them. Disgusting. 

I took my search to the kitchen. Greta stayed in her RV but her husband was here with us. 

"Why are we searching the kitchen?"