An act of kindness


"This is not the best idea. Are you really going to go to paradise hills?"

"Of course not. I'm inviting them here instead." Dante gave me a look, and I knew what it said without having to look at him. 

"Look, Dante, I get it. I know this isn't exactly an award winning idea, but Atticus said he doesn't get why Sulia would attack Alexandria, and Sherman isn't willing to share any information unless I come there. So we're going to bring them here. We're meeting at the damaged park. Most of the herd sleeps there."

He sighs, and rubs slow circles around Ollie's back. 

"I see, and I'm going to be watching you. But the only way I'll agree to this is if you can promise me that we're minimizing that amount of visits your horrid family gets."

I nod. To be honest, I'm already tired of seeing Alexandria. A little break after this should be good for her.