Big thinkers


I went through Mathias's home while Dante contacted Atticus. He was the only way for us to reach that crazy king. I plan on cutting this bitch into pieces if he endangers my family. We're dealing with one infection after the other now is not the time for selfish people to be doing more. Although, I have to commend Dante. We don't get to see him get angry often and when he does rage out, it's crazy. You wouldn't believe that he was the quiet one. And I liked that. It showed his emotions existed. Also, I'm an agent of chaos. I like when shit is fucked up. 

Watching an old guy piss himself because he was scared Dante was going to kill him made me want to laugh. My mouth tasted of blood, and I rolled my tongue with the taste. I don't eat people raw. 

The taste of blood is weird to me. It's not bad, but it's not exactly something I'd like to taste often. I like the smell though. I fuck with the smell.