Crow-Masked Tank Emperor Spirit

"Stop them here and take advantage of their low agility caused by heavyweights to avoid injuries." He commanded them and ran inside the shelter from the big gate.

The Interior of the building was similar to the previous shelter with a stair on the right side to go to the second floor.

Without any second thought, he summoned his sword and shield which had recovered by now.

He entered the throne chamber and found the Emperor spirit waiting for him.

His opponent was similar to the previous spirit only difference was that it looked bulky and had thick armor over its body. His gauntlets were not as deadly as the previous one.

Rio didn't wait and charged toward the enemy. His king Silver-Bloom sword hit the enemy on his chest and only left a few scratches.

'He doesn't even care to dodge it.'

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the Emperor spirit.

'Should I just take the heart stone and end it?'

His eyes moved toward the glowing stone on top of the statue's head.