The Grand Banquet: The Intriguing Boy with White Hair

Drake had been obsessed with marrying Lia since she was just fourteen years old. Despite her lack of interest in any boy, he remained fixated on the goal of becoming the emperor of the Shamor Empire.

The strongblaze Clan had also been supportive of the royal family, hoping to see Drake and Lia become a couple. But with the arrival of Rio, their grand plan had been shattered, and he felt like he had lost everything he had worked for.

As the room fell silent, all eyes turned towards Rio as he was going to face Drake in the challenge. The murmurs started in the room, each guest whispering to their neighbor, wondering what would come of this unexpected challenge.

Dylan exchanged worried glances with Lia, their concern for The boy's safety was noticeable. However, the one who stepped forward in Rio's defense was someone they never expected.