The Dangers of the Death Realm

She continued, "Beware of Deadly creatures hiding in plain sight as innocent-looking plants or rocks. Enchanted vines might ensnare and strangle you, while unstable ground could give way under your feet, revealing hidden chasms.

Partner, You need to avoid explosive, volatile flora that detonates upon contact, and time-altering anomalies that can age you rapidly, causing instant death. 

Patches of darkness can swallow you whole, and an ever-present sense of dread can lead you to despair and self-destruction. To resist the dangerous effects of this place, you need to spend time in the wondrous forest realm. Staying too long in the death realm can drive you insane, so take breaks and return to the forest realm for safety."

After hearing Eve's warning, Rio took a deep breath and nodded to himself, understanding her words.

"Thank you for the warning. I'll keep that in mind But you haven't told me where I need to go," Rio asked, his voice calm and composed.