After we got back to the camp we were cheered for walking back as hero's who managed to slay the commanding general. After the battle I lost about a thousand men while the rest were exhausted or injured. We settled down and celebrated with the wine that was sent over by Duke hyuo. While on mouten and ouhon's side the story was they charged in together after tou's army was trapped they quickly attacked Karin's HQ she sent her brother to stop them but ouhon and mouten's lieutenant killed him they quickly killed her and the trap fell apart which let tou overpower them. In between the two battlefield we burned down to more siege towers and Chou tou died after slaying the Han commander.
After we finished celebrating we fell asleep only to wake up when the sun was shining into our eyes slowly getting up I kicked shin in the gut waking him up. I looked towards the Zhao camp and saw more movement then usual
' Heh I guess it's time.'
"Tsk why is there no movements they haven't even responded to behei' taunts."
It is nearly sunset and there has been no movement from the coalition I doubt they have even reached bupass by now well we will have to wait for the Duke to move.
The next day
We currently chasing the Zhao army with 8 thousand men we quickly caught up to them using the terrain to our advantage. We engaged In battle with them and it became a mess I couldn't see Duke Hyuo I knew he would get trapped and I wanted to save him. Ri boku used a formation to separate the Duke from his men but with his instinct he broke through it only to face of with houken. I quickly made my way next to shin only to see him paralyzed I heard a faint voice which belongs to Duke Hyuo.
"Don't ever let your fires die out."
And then houken killed him
The zhao soldier cheered at his death while the dukes soldiers shed tears.
"Let's move shin there is no point grieving here THE FATE OF WIN LIES ON OUR SHOULDERS WE WILL FIGHT AT SAI."
The men moved not much moral but the hope of having revenge for their lord we quickly broke out of the formation and reached sai a few hours later. We roughly had about 4 thousand men. The gate opened and I saw him sei wearing his golden armor I quickly rode up to him and put my hand in his soldier
"Huffff I'm glad to see you sei."
He nodded at me and after observing the men
"Where is Duke Hyuo."
At this point shin was already leaning on sei's shoulder he answered him with a raspy voice
"He died Sei houken killed him."
"We have to move Ri boku and his men will be here soon Akira and ten you check on the defenses of the castle we will meet after you've done that."
Everyone agreed and we moved on. I had a few minor injuries treated along with the rest of my men after getting treated I sat down with my men we ate and drank. I got up and started walking to shins camp
"Oi shin I see you stoped crying let's goo."
When I made it to shins camp the men were surrounding him and murmuring. I expected them to laugh at my joke but all of them just started at me observing me
"HAAA he does look like him."
"Yeah he just has the scar."
"Ehh Hyuo I never knew you were the kings body double."
I guess she's n told them I looked past them at shin who just gave me a shrug
"Yeah it was the few months I left the village."
Shin was walking past me by the time I finished I turned and followed him not before leaving a cheeky comment
"But I am march more handsome than him."
I heard some of his unit laugh while the rest begged me not to make such jokes I heard behei scream the loudest I bet the bastard was grabbing his neck.
Me and shin made our way to the base where sei was.
"Hmm is that the dukes shield." Shin had a golden shield on his back
"Huff yeah." Shin was still sad about his death I don't blame he was the commander of his first campaign and was given words of wisdom from him only for him to die by the hands of houken and the schemes of Ri boku.
"Tsk lucky bastard first general ouki's glaive and now Duke hyuos shield." Shin looked at me for a while and we both started laughing. We heard cavalry coming shin thought they were zhao soldiers but I k we it was reinforcements from the chief.
Me and shin made it to where they were and I saw mouki and kaioku I greeted them sbk ,ten and Akira arrived soon after and started giving their reports
"Your majest there is approximately 30,000 people in the city but there are only women, children's and old men the garrison only had 1000 men because the rest were sent to kankoku pass to fight." Sbk gave his report while sweating and panting he must've rushed.
Shin was conflicted at having normal people fight
"Oi sei you can't be seriously make citizens fight they will die."
I slapped the back of his head and said
"Don't be stupid if they don't fight they will die and all Qin people will become slaves."
The mood became more tense since they remembered the importance of this fight.
Ten and Akira gave their report on the cities quirks and weaknesses. Then we planned how to distribute the forces
"Wait allow me to divide the men." I wasn't met with much opposition since kaioku vouched for me orders form his lord I think
Me and shin
Frontal South Gate
Heki , Ren and sora
East wall
Shoubunkun and Hetsu
West wall
Kaioku Aoi and Izumi
North wall
"Wait why won't heki get any archers he will be railed without them." I got looks of contempt because I was over confident
"Heh it's common sense the wind will blow from his side there for stretching the enemy archers that's why I gave him more Spartans to fight with." We had about 7000 experienced men counting seis men the remaining Duke Hyuo soldiers the sai garrisons and my men which were 3000.
I gave heki one thousand of them since they could hold out with little numbers. We would only need to hold out for a few days now. We finished telhr planning and sei told us to gather all the people of sai to adress them.
After about 20 minutes the square was filled by people and soldiers on all sides there were murmurs but they were soon silenced by Sbk.
"SILENCE I AM SHOUBUNKUN QINS LEFT CHANCELLOR AND THIS MAN BESIDES ME IS NON OTHER THAN OUR KING. THE 31ST KING OF QIN EI SEI." The people who were shocked at seeing the Chancellor were now crying and kneeling at the sight of their king
Shin pov
"Just by hearing who he was they changed."
"Ofcourse they were ready to give up they never had an army and now they saw their sovereign most people never see him."
3rd person pov
This caused murmuring to start between the citizens.
Hyuo pov
'Damn he gets me every time.' Looking around everyone was cheering even mouki. I walked next to shin and but my arm on his shoulder
"Heh we have a long way to go."
"Hahaha your right."
"Damn he went and made him self a great king while we weren't looking."
"You right I'm trembling." After the speech morale was at an all time high we quickly started preparing the walls were well equipped. We took positions and waited for the army to come