After a day of walking downward in the dungeon corridors and caves we finally entered the Rivera safe zone.

Other than the level two monsters I managed to kill steal at least one of each type of monsters from the other members, while we were descending to Rivera. Since I was wanting the hunter development ability to make the grind easier when I finally level up.

"Finally, I was about to drink a resistance potion if we had to walk more" I said breathing heavily.

"We told you that don't worth carrying those goblins fangs, they only can be sold for half of the price of the arrows made from then" said Shaya trying to mock me but failing due her also being tired from carrying the magic stones that the slaves couldn't carry.

That's the problem of being one of the low level members in an exploration família made of 93% woman's wearing few to no clothes that also have to fight level 2 monsters. So they meaningfully told me that they "can't carry burden" also implying to not be a burden...

After being told they would rest there for the "night" I explored the the forest for a bit. Few hours of exploration I returned to rest with some herbs I gathered that probably worth more than what I would receive from the level 1 monster drops I collected.

At the ishtar's familia hotel in Rivera that was joint by a brothel also from the familia I was resting in a room with the other weak members of the family. A room that unfortunately had only a wall separating it from two of the brothel's rooms.

Not a good sleep for two of the level one girls in the room, but the slave guy just slept like a rock in a mat and I followed his steps, knowing he probably was right for going to sleep before someone appear needing a "night help".

Next "day" I was the second to wake up. Noticing two of the other male members weren't there anymore, I realized they were probably asked in the during the night for one of the level two girls who doesn't care about the amazoness "tradition".

Anyway they probably don't even care about how strong their prey are unless it is about reproduction, I would be fool to think every amazon is like Tiona and Tione, or that girl who wanted to get Beta.

The precepts I gained from watching and reading the danmachi series wouldn't be my axis to analyze the people from this world, when was clearly they where the exception.

After washing in a pound I found the last night I ate breakfast with Shaya and asked her where I could sell the herbs I gathered without being scammed too hard for being in Rivera.

We managed to sell my loot for 40% of the price. Surprising the goblin fangs where sold for a good price since no one was bringing then back to rivera anymore, so I made some money to use.

After that I give a commission to Shaya and we separated after she said to don't get in to trouble.

I then asked around and found a stall where deceased adventurer equipment was sold for a lower price than usual, unfortunately the only good item was a bow I bought for cheap since the vendor was a blacksmith and don't know how much the bloody dirty bow was worth.

Still expend all my money on it and some good arrows...

Sigh, Shaya and the girls will call me "not manly" again.

Anyway I will stole their kills again, If I level up fast enough I can show them what is "chivalry". As a great adventurer once said "I'm a defender of gender equality".


Few hours later we was once again walking down the dungeon tunnels, now already In the 19 floor, the group was just cleaning area after area while the monsters respawn.

I was wanting to see a Vouivre, I thought I could use the tear to make something with the "Hunt ritual magic", but I was sure if the Rare monster appeared and we managed to win and drop the rare item, it wouldn't be mine to play around.

Anyway, I was happy shooting lizardman eyes while the level two berberas killed then.

Because In the middle of the fight I saw how the arrows barely pieced their hide and scales on the thicker parts they exposed while fighting, I thought if I was lucky I could pierce their brains killing them, and get some extra excellia.

Unfortunately I wouldn't receive high amounts of excellia to level up like Bell did was sure unless I was fighting in a pinch.

I don't have a cheat skill to seek skirt like him too. Or Har/Hen protagonism EX on my statuses.

After a few fights with level-two monsters, our team returned to Rivera to rest, sell loot and repair our equipment.

This routine was repeated until the fourth day when a bugbear full of scars got the girls by surprise while they fought a lizardman group equipped with both looted adventurer equipment and natural weapons that distracted them.

I got lucky and wasn't killed when it passed by the back defensors trashing his way but two of the other level ones got crush-teared by a pawn-claw attack and a level two amazon was launched on our vanguard that was fighting the lizardmen, causing some serious trouble in our formation.

I could see our Leader getting upset and rushing in the middle of the lizardmen, receiving some cuts while avoiding others to save the girls who got affected by the bugbear.

Something just snapped inside me, Her rage was real, maybe until that moment I wasn't being serious enough. It wouldn't be a surprise, since even back in the day when my life was being endangered I would just feel my heart accelerating as if I played an immersive game.

"This is too real..." I said mockingly sadly while pushing Shaya who I just saved without noticing from being in the bugbear way earlier.

"Waah! Ciel what you're doing?" She said after awakening to the fact I was dragging her in the direction of the bugbear fight.

Her strength being times the mine made it impossible to drag her along when she resisted.

So I told her my plan, which she wisely tried to avoid...

Sadly for her, I was convincing.


The Leader was fighting the elite* bugbear while the other level two tried to clean the group of lizardmen asap to help her when she was suddenly surprised by the bugbear grabbing her weapon with its meaty pawn and lifted her tree meters in the air, she let it as soon she realized the situation but before she had a chance to fall to the ground it "punched" her into a tree trunk.

She put her hand in front of her body but when she hit the hard treetrunk the air got out of her lungs, then she could just watch the bugbear rushing in her direction while she was defenseless trying to stand up with all her strength, she was feeling fear growing inside her again, like that time, that time she was spared for being a weakling unworthy of dying, she was soo weak now that couldn't even get angry, the only hope she had now was someone killing that bugbear while it was distracted killing her.

Stomp. The beast was rushing In her direction from the place she had been launched 20 meters away from the tree she hit, no, that she was aimed to hit at...

"Leader! Nooooooo" She could hear her famillia crying her name.

Stomp. It was coming to kill her.

Stomp, stomp, stomp, Stomp! She could see it grinning its fangs, and putting that beast of an army up to deal a crushing blow to her. She was thinking of closing her eyes like the cowardly weak girl she was.

Then she heard it, hope.

Fushhhh, puck. Two strange arrows hit the grass floor between her and the bugbear. The arrows had tubes of scroll paper on them, with smoke coming out of them.

Two arrows were in the way of the next step of the bipedal deformed bear who the gravity center was dislocated to its right since its tight arm was lifted to hit her...

Then a big stick with six of that tubes on one of its ends and a thick wood handle on the other come flying at the side of the bugbear.

BLOOP!, The amazoness leader felt her eardrums trembling even though she was far from the explosion.

The next time she opened her eyes she saw that BDB who just got accepted into her family approaching a fallen bugbear with a mutilated right face and head side, one of its eyes being out of its socket, hold just from the optical nerve.

The fierce bugbear with force and skill to win against an experienced level two like her was now in the same state she was earlier, waiting for his executioner, a hunter who slowly approached his prey with his... Metal tube-phallus?

The BDB socked the tube on the bear's ocular cavity and kicked it in while the bear screamed, not if she could hear anything well, finally when the bear managed to move his left arm the BDB jumped from the horizontal sweep and walked in her direction, holding a torch and a bottle with a cloth that he lit up thrown in the bear monster setting it afire for few seconds before another boom shockwave passing inside her even if she couldn't hear with her damaged eardrums.

Then the boy picked her up with difficulty before trying to talk to her, to no avail, then he asked someone on the other side of her, but she doesn't move her eyes to see who since she was focused on his face.. while making a stupified face..

"Ciel~" She muttered with a surprised face, making him notice her again and smile before talking again to the other person who suddenly put a healthy potion in her mouth making her drink it. Lessening her pain, and slowly recovering her strength.

Then he put her down carefully helping her stand up on her own.

"Leader, are you good?" Her second in commandTania asked her after hurrying her way to her side.

She now realized the battle ended and tried to make her strong front again, recovered a bit she stood steady and shouted."

"Ishtar Familia, what's our loses?"

"Maam we lost two first levels one, a sister and a slave." Said the bitch amazoness who was just sleeping with that slave who died the last night. Nothing I wouldn't expect from people who are forced to live in the amazoness kingdom until passing their sick ritual, probably killed a friend for a chance to go out and find dicks without a "proprietary".

"So we lost two family members from a bugbear attack, Tiffany?" Asked the leader with some anger to that bitch who was the scout that should be responsible for looking our back.

"Ye-e-ess, Ma-am" Said Tiffany trembling@ she knew her lack of attention caused a great loss to our group,

"Ishtar-sama will know of this." The leader Rasfi said seriously and before Tiffany could respond with a desperate face, she turned her back and led us toward the fallen member's corpses that the rear members laid on a mat.

After looking at them for a minute she walked to the bugbear's corpse and recovered her blade from its left pawn, then she looked at its nape seeing that was burst by my "thunder cannon" before rolling it belly up with a kick on the side. Getting on top of the fallen monster she used her blade to open its chest and remove the monster's magic stone, making the corpse burst into ashes and disappear.

After that, Rasfi emerged from the monster's ashes and walked in my direction holding a crystal in one hand and a nail in the other...