Spawn flesh

The vampire atop the shoulder of the statue was confronted by the figure in pursuit of her which made its final leap and landed right on the shoulder of the statue as well. She looked into the golden brown eyes of the figure and spoke..

"You ugly beast, I'm not scared of you. I'll end you even if it means I have to drink up your blood!!" The vampire threatened. The figure she referred to that stood nearly 8 feet tall with fur on its chest, arms and back was a werewolf.

The werewolves had come to the vampire's nest and from all indications, it didn't seem to be a friendly visit.

Right now the two on the shoulder of the statue engaged swiftly in battle as they ran to clash with one another. The female vampire shot herself from her spot like a bullet and with an open palm armed with sharp extended fingers, she was ready to tear the skin of the werewolf in front of her.

The werewolf jumped high into the air almost reaching a height of about 15 feet and came down like a meteor aiming to crash on the vampire.

The vampire had predicted the intentions of the werewolf and rolled off quickly to the front avoiding being smeared like cooked beans.

The vampire wasted no time as she wasn't planning to give the werewolf any room to regain its composure after a hard landing that broke pieces of stone off the statue.

"You forget vampires are known for speed!!!" She said.

She rushed forward again but instead of a claw slash, she tightened her fist and aimed for the werewolf's chest. Due to the height difference, this was her normal reach.

The punch coming form her packed power as well as speed and collided with the werewolf. But to her surprise, it hadn't landed where she planned. Her fist had been caught in the large, clawed hands of the werewolf which clutched on tightly not willing to let go.

The werewolf pulled her in and kicked her in the stomach almost burying his feet which were also armed with sharp extended claws as well. The lower half of the werewolf looked just like a human body as he spotted black short pants. But the difference between the lower half of a werewolf and a human was that a werewolf's thighs were densely packed with muscles giving them a large speed advantage over a human.

"And werewolves are stronger!!" The werewolf howled, this was a reply to the vampire's earlier claims of her race having a speed advantage over werewolves.

But in reality, in terms of speed, they were nearly equally matched. The only certain advantage a vampire had in close combat against a werewolf was flexibility.

A werewolf's large muscular body was its only weakness. It restricted them from making certain turns and twists that a vampire had no problem doing.

With the vampire's hand caught, she struggled to get her hand free but this proved futile each time. The werewolf that held on to her was quite the strong one. He lifted her by that one hand and flung her to the neck of the statue. She hit her back hard and toppled over to the ground.

But it wasn't over as the werewolf was upon her once again. Raising his two large fists in the air, he swung them down like a hammer in an attempt to crush the vampire.

The vampire seeing this knew it would be the end of her if she didn't find an escape and sought to roll over. But as if predicting this, the werewolf had lifted one of his legs up and just at the right moment stomped it down on the vampire's back.


The female vampire yelled in pain as bones were shattered with that singular stomp to the back. But it didn't stop there as the werewolf picked her up and with his mouth wide open, he closed his long, big sets of teeth on her head, finishing her right there on the spot.

The fighting going on below the statue had ended as well. Looking at the area now, bodies of both werewolves and vampires were lying on the floor.


The werewolf on top of the statue called and a few seconds later, more werewolves numbering up to fifteen appeared on the spot with scars that could be visibly seen to be closing up. They too had impressive healing, one that rivaled a vampire's.

"We will match in there and retrieve our brother that was taking from us. No retreat, no surrender, no pack left behind!!" The werewolf at the top yelled. Surprisingly, even with the large sets of teeth, they could communicate and be understood to a good extent. There were rough spots here and there but that didn't matter as the message was effectively passed along. Now all 16 werewolves were headed for the inner vampire nest area.

This was a ballsy move that had only been done once and in a long while that is.


Meanwhile inside the feeding area, as reported by Juan to have belonged to her mother, Finn sat down listening to the story Juan told.

"I do not have a concise explanation for the war between the werewolves and vampires. But from my knowledge, the bad blood has always existed. But this became more prominent a long while ago with the last king. As at that time, the vampires and werewolves weren't always at war with one another that was until the heart of the god's resurfaced again," Juan said.

"Heart of the gods? How do you know that? I mean, what is that?" Finn stuttered.

He was more than surprised to hear Juan mention those words. It became apparent to him that those visions he had been having weren't all fabricated. At first, he believed it to be all just in his head and never thought about it after. But now he knew there couldn't have been a coincidence.

"The heart of the gods is told to be the origin of our powers. Our ancestors were once humans before moving on to a higher plain. Now we exceed humans considerably in all areas" Juan explained. Finn frowned at the last part not because of what she said, but how pride could be heard clearly in her voice while saying it.

"Okay, so this "heart of the gods", what was it like and how did it cause the peace between the two races to spiral downwards?" Finn asked.

"The hearts of the gods were three. Each one belonged to the founding fathers of the supernatural beings meaning us and basically, every other being that exists today but not before. All three were crystals said to have held magnificent powers. But according to the story passed down by our predecessors, the heart of the gods could only gift once and our ancestors drained it with their one wish, to exceed a mere human. The crystals eventually were kept away for a long time. Except, one of the crystals reappeared from its holding place bringing with it a message that changed the landscape till date," Juan said.

"What message?"Finn asked.

"The doom prophesy. The crystal inscribed on a large rock a painting message. The rock is here in the nest. If you want, I could take you to where it is. The message is still on to date. It was said that the vampires moved here to protect the rock. The rock every once in a while adds a fresh message. This year, we still await the change," Juan said.

"That is all for now. By the way, you came in here with blood stained all over you. You happen to have anyone left?" Finn asked. Juan raised a questioning eyebrow on hearing this.

"Yes, I said I don't trust you. And I plan to remain that way till I die. But dying of hunger is not how I plan my exit, so do you have any on you?" Finn asked again.

"Well, it might interest you to know that too much human blood might leave you addicted. Never allow yourself to be controlled by its taste. And yes, I have some on me" Juan said before getting up to her feet and exiting the small chamber they were in. She came back minutes later with a black bottle and handed it over to Finn. Finn wondered where she had gone so quickly to bring it for him, but being consumed with hunger, he figured the question could wait.

Finn took it from her and wasted no time in gulping the content straight into his stomach.

-Look at me, I am living the life of a savage human bloodsucker. I should be feeling disgusted at myself for enjoying the blood of a human that I once was. But sadly, I feel nothing other than satisfaction. For once, it feels good to feel good- Finn thought.


[Blood and flesh diet equilibrium has shifted drastically!!]

[Blood:Flesh > 70:30]

[Irregular ratio has led the system to force your body to undergo an emergency growth spurt to counteract the effects]

[Growth spurt begins in 0:9...seconds]

The strange screen that Finn would see before sleeping displayed this in his line of vision. He wondered if Juan who was with him could see it as well but with her silence, he knew the opposite was the case.

He didn't quite understand much about all the system displayed. But one thing stuck out to him and he had said the word out loud.

"Growth spurt?" he said.

Juan turned on hearing him murmur this words and said.

"Again? Hasn't it been only a week since your last one?" She asked but Finn was not in a position to answer at that moment as he had fallen on his back and was quivering. This action almost looked like he was having a seizure of some sort. His eyes began to glow red and golden, this was alternated as one would glow before the other.

His body shook violently on the floor without control. Juan rushed over to him seeing him helplessly shaking on the ground.

"How can you have this much growth spurt in such a short time? It is completely unheard of" she said.

Finn continued to shake this way on the ground for minutes non-stop. All the while, Juan did her best to hold him down by pinning his small frame by the shoulders to the ground. This didn't pose as much work to her as she was strong and Finn's body in the first place was that of a two year old's at best.

After several minutes, it then finally stopped but instead of rejoicing, a frown made its way to Juan's face.

"No change. You look the same!" Juan said.

"It's...not...over.."Finn managed to say and the next thing that followed was a snapping sound. Juan's confused look immediately changed to one of horror as one by one, Finn's body was bending to unnatural angles.

His elbow broke and his forearm had practically made a complete rotation twice. His chest bone caved in like an avalanche, and his legs and ribs did the same as each bone in his body began to break spontaneously. His small face shrunk and faded in color. He immediately looked pale as his eyes plummeted inwards.

But oddly enough, each bone that broke only began to rebuild once again. His elbow reformed but this time it was longer. His hand, legs and chest also did the same and finally, his sunken face re-emerged.

"Finn!!!" Juan called out as she saw that the process had stopped but somehow Finn wasn't moving or saying anything.

His body looked pale as ever. But there was a visible change now. His body length had increased meaning he had grown. His two-year-old face was no more as even with his pale appearance, Juan could spot some of the changes. His black hair that stopped at his neck was now longer and flowed down to the floor.

But with all these changes, Finn still wasn't up or moving. His appearance now was not one to be described as an upgrade at first glance. His skin had been stretched to its limit to accommodate the longer bones leaving them more pronounced. He basically looked to be in the same shape as the dead corpses around him.

"I can hear his heartbeat. Why does it sound that way.Almost like he..." Juan was saying to herself but got caught off as Finn gasped for air and coughed a couple of times. He remained on the floor as he was too weak to stand up.

"Finn, you are bleeding...everywhere," Juan said with fear and horror in her eyes as she spoke these words.

Finn was bleeding from his ears, nose, eyes, mouth, and even skin. His head which he had managed to raise fell back to the ground as he rested and breathe heavily.

-And now, this beautiful story ends yet again. The gods must be having a good laugh by now. I brought upon myself my doom. Sadly, the world will be far safer now that I'm going. How was I wrong again? I was just starting to gain my footing! But at the end, it was all a beautiful lie. My existence cannot exist, that has become clear to me now-

[You have suffered multiple internal injuries]

[Emergency healing will now begin]

[Low energy, emergency healing cannot proceed]

[Consume spawn flesh to continue!!]

[Consume spawn flesh to continue!!]

"" Finn mouthed to his sister as more blood left his body.