Vampire's weakness

The invaders after a short while were being pushed back by the vampire defenses. Some of the werewolves were forced to leap down from the top of the wall they had climbed. While this had ensured they didn't encounter as much griffin problem as opposed to when they were going up, the landing in itself told them otherwise.

A lot of them had cracked a few bones. But none of them suffered any fatal injury and only needed a little time to heal up. Yet, while their unique healing abilities came in handy, it didn't help that they still had to go against the unrelenting attacks from the vampires.

One would think that they perhaps hadn't planned it through. And quite frankly, the impression left on the vampires after seeing how badly the werewolves incursion had failed, thought the same.

The large one amongst the werewolves, the omega leading the charge was quick to decide.

He knew with the sheer number of the vampires, two things were certain. One, there was no way they could retrieve the captured pack member they came for. Two, if anything, they would be lucky to escape alive.

He looked around him with his golden brown eyes and could see that his pack had reduced significantly. But yet amongst all the odds stacked against him and his pack, one thing remained certain. Though they were being pushed back due to the flurry of attacks from the vampires, running away was not within the perimeter of their choices.

"Fools!!...Do you mistake stupidity for loyalty? Do you think you can win?!!" A loud, deep voice was heard. And immediately the voice was heard, the vampires on the attack had halted their advance.

Like a planned routine, they all turned around, forming a row, and made way for a large figure that walked through in their middle. The King was in their midst and they acknowledged his presence by stopping everything they were doing.

The wolves were in no obvious trap yet at that juncture because behind them was a waterfall. This waterfall was the major attraction of the mountain that the vampires called their nest. The water itself didn't exactly look like water. On careful observation, the water was glistening with sparkles emanating from it.

The air around this area felt unique due to the water. Another reason was that the werewolves were already at the exit of the vampire nest as a whole. They were so far off from the main living area of the vampires that even the sun's rays could be seen reflecting outside through the waterfall. What this meant was that they weren't too far from their freedom, if they chose it.

But now there was a standoff. Only five werewolves remained as in the course of the battle, eleven had lost their lives to the sheer numbers on the vampire's side.

On the opposite end, about fifty vampires stood with the king in the middle. They were all dressed in black gowns that resembled a nun's outfit.

They all stood strong and proud behind their king who perhaps would make up for three vampires put together if their widths were measured. The King simply occupied space. With a robust stature that was particularly odd for a vampire, yet he possessed the remaining features as they did.

At the moment, all the vampires on the scene excluding the king had their eye color changed to red. This meant they were feeling strong negative emotions which could range from sadness, anger, etc. But in this scenario, it was anger.

The King whose face was as pale white as his followers was just as equally good looking even with his unusually large size. His black pupils went swiftly well with his long black gown.

"I admire your bravery. But do you think the likes of you can come into MY kingdom and topple it? I mean, your kind has always been known to be foolish and quick to action. Yet at the moment, I find it hard to distinguish between the actions that you have taken now and that of the beasts that I have caged up!" The vampire king said.

"Grahahagrahaha" a laugh was heard. This came from the omega wolf in charge of the four behind him. The black shorts which were the only piece of clothing on him was bathed in blood.

"You think this isn't part of the plan? If you are the king you claim to be and you wish to protect your people, then step into the light!!" the omega wolf issued a challenge.

After saying these words, the omega leading the pack began to take steps backward. As he did, his pack followed in his steps and stepped back too all while they kept an eye on the vampires.

"They are getting away!!" One of the vampires alerted. The rest of the vampires were ready to give chase but a hand signal from the king halted their advance.

"What king would I be if I can't take care of my people let alone nuisances like this?" The vampire king muttered with a smile revealing long canines hidden between perfectly shaped pink lips.

As the wolves backed away slowly from the vampires, they passed through the waterfall which was the only thing that blocked out the sun ray from penetrating the cave. The whole mountain area had been channeled with tunnels which led to more tunnels within the mountain. This mountain could be regarded as a city on its own that belonged to the vampires which they called their nest.

"You may not have observed but given your poor choice of words and bad sense of judgment regarding the situation you all are in, I know why..." the king paused for a moment, and with his keen eyesight, he squinted his eyes and could see that the werewolves were still in the waterfall and making the cross to the outside so he continued. His voice was incredibly loud to the point it surpassed the sound of the splashing water.

"You all are newly recruited pack members. Thirsty to have a place on the hunt table. You seek to prove yourselves and gain a mate, quite understandable. But if you were all in your right senses, which you aren't, you wouldn't have uttered those silly words," The king said. And just then in the gathering of vampires behind the King, a female vampire's eyes shot open in realization.

"I have seen this before. It is all beginning to make meaning now. These wolves are under an Alpha command. They simply would not return until they have accomplished whatever they were ordered to and came here for. Even if it costs them their lives," Agatha, Klaus's mother said.

"Well Agatha, I think everyone here knew that from the beginning when they came with such measly numbers backing them up. Have they suddenly grown so confident because the new king unlike the old one hasn't attacked?" Another female vampire replied. This one was slightly taller than Klaus's mother. She looked to be in her late twenties but in reality, she was older than even Agatha herself who was in her third century.

They had this conversation in a hushed tone but there was no sure way of telling if the king heard or not. Nonetheless, they continued the silent side talk.

"I think it has to do with what the king just said. They are strong but certainly smell unimpressive. I can't find anyone on the level of a gamma talk more of an alpha amongst them," this time a male vampire responded.

"What I'm curious to see is what the king will do. Surely he wouldn't descend to the level of entertaining the taunts of a mere omega and beta wolves right?!!" The female who had responded to Agatha earlier said.

Now the king was slowly taking steps towards the waterfall where the wolves had gone through and said a few things.

"Surely, you all are as rash as you are ignorant. Were you not taught anything? Puppies like you should remain at the pack and let the grown-ups come to me if they dare!..." The king uttered...

"Come out to the light you fat blood demon and see what we will make of you!" The voice of the omega was heard.

"I fail to imagine a way in which you win this. But somehow you were sent here for a purpose. Perhaps your grand alpha has decided to test the strength of the new king after I have decided to stay in the dark!"As the king made these claims, he held out his hand in a claw shape, and with a swipe from his claws, he ripped through his gown, exposing all that he was endowed with.

The vampires all gasped in surprise as what they were seeing now was beyond their expectations.

"You dare I, Shola, ruler of the vampires, to step into the light?!!!..."

..." You were told a vampire's weakness is sunlight. But if you hadn't been in a hurry, you should have waited to ask what that weakness might be. I was going to pardon you all to retreat safely for I sensed the stupidity in you lot straight from my throne. Yet I showed mercy and reluctantly avoided a quick death for you all by not sending in my soldiers. These people you fought aren't even my best!!"The king revealed with a laugh to accompany it.

"Yet you have wasted all your chances. You have failed to learn. And now I'm compelled to dish out judgment to you mongrels!!"...And with those words, the king stepped out of the waterfall, into the light.

"He is under the sun..."His followers muttered in shock.