Pack control

Zefra along with Lola walked into the grand cottage where several others in pairs just like he and his mate went.

He took a turn around a large pillar made out of stone and headed straight towards a log cabin where the other alphas were headed for. Inside the log cabin, there were rows of wooden seats made available and as each alpha walked in with his mate, a seat of their choice was taken.

On the cabin wall were dried bones of beasts hung as trophies. A large trunk-like part could be seen just where a chair was placed on a higher platform than the other ones on which the alphas and their mates sat. This chair belonged to the prime alpha.

The overseer of the entire werewolf kingdom. All the alphas were seated and patiently awaited the arrival of the prime alpha.

Whilst they waited, in a gathering as large as theirs, it was expected that someone would raise a topic of discussion in the absence of the prime alpha. But oddly, that wasn't the case.

The chairs were arranged in a single row along each side of the wall and they were made to face one another. So at the moment, every alpha from all seven packs that constituted the wolf Kingdom and their mates were gazing at each other without saying a word.

Nonetheless, even in the absence of words from them, a strong sense of tension could be felt in the room. This was because the sheer presence of an alpha alone was terrifying to be around. But putting seven of them including their mates in one room was a different case.

At the very least, every alpha in there controlled a pack of not less than a hundred wolves. And granted that wolves in a pack were loyal to the alpha, it still took a great deal of personal strength to assert their command as an alpha.

After minutes of waiting and intense eye contact being made, the sound of the alpha approaching could be heard. Not only that, his presence could be felt as well.

Without being informed, all seven might alphas and their mates stood up in accordance with the werewolf tradition to honour the prime alpha as he made his way into the room.

A long fur overcoat was the first thing that was spotted from the door where the prime alpha would normally come out from. His head appeared and soon did the rest of his body.

Standing nearly eight feet tall, one would assume he was already in his transformed state. But this was just his natural look without any transformation. Packed with dignified muscles at every corner, from his biceps to his chest down to his abdominal region, the prime alpha was thoroughly carved.

His black spiky hair complemented his black pupils. He had a pronounced jawline and a still gaze that spoke of mysteries hiding behind.

His face was near perfect except for the large scar cut across his temple heading towards his right ear. This was the only blemish that could be spotted on him at first glance. But in no way did this make him any less attractive to say. Rather, it made him look quite menacing.

With a nod of his head, he sat down and the alphas and their mates sat with him too. There was silence for quite some time before he finally spoke.

"I have called this meeting today to discuss the way forward" his voice resonated through the room.

"It is no news that the vampires and ourselves have been in a long-stretched war. One that has gone from an outright brawl to a careful intentional swing from both our sides" the prime alpha paused for a second.

In the room with him, the alphas all paid attention to what he was saying without a break. If one took a quick survey, then there would be a report of how young they all looked. Even the prime alpha himself looked to be just past his mid-thirties.

He had the body and facial looks of a young man. But his authority in the room was not to be questioned.

"But now things must change. Reports from the one we have sent there suggest the prophecy is nearer than we think. The boy whom we've waited centuries for has been born" the prime alpha said.

"What?!!! Are you sure your mate is not mistaking?" a fairly large male with full chest hair on brown pants asked. He carried on his back a sheath that housed some kind of sword. But this sword in question had a hilt made of bone. This was the blue pack alpha, Shinko. Sat next to him was his mate, Jemima.

Jemima was a beautiful-looking woman in black and red cotton fabric for a skirt. She tied a fur skin around her chest which was carefully secured around her neck. She had a black mark resembling a tattooed image of an eye on her left shoulder.

"Surely, you should have waited for prime alpha's final words. And have you so little trust in us that you bring with you a weapon to this meeting?"Another alpha berated Shinko who had made the earlier statement.

"The prime alpha's mate was the only one willing to embark on such a dangerous journey to enemy turf. Her stay there has proven quite useful to us. Surely, you should know this and bite your tongue before spewing such things!!" again the same male spoke. This was the green pack's alpha, Mugan. Physically, he looked the youngest and the least intimidating amongst the other alphas in the room. His facial expression when making his remarks against Shinko's comment was as good as anybody's guess since he wore some kind of fur mask to hide his face.

"I wasn't talking to someone who isn't bold enough to look me in the eye and talk. Now if you don't mind, shut up when your elders are speaking!!"Shinko, the blue pack alpha retorted with a clear sign of anger.

"Enough!!" a loud stomp from the throne side where the prime alpha sat was heard. The bones of dead beasts hung on the wall collapsed from this hard stomp of his leg.

The prime alpha stared a hole through the alphas seated with a golden-coloured eye glowing fiercely. He too had lost his temper quite quickly.

The large scar on his temple region became more apparent now that he was in a bad state of mind as it constantly glowed red.

"This meeting clearly cannot hold today. Dismissed!!"The prime alpha ordered and immediately, the other seven alphas stood up with their mates escorting them and left the room.

"The prime Alpha is making it seem like his mate went voluntarily. Pfft, bunch of hypocrites they all are!"Zefra said as he walked with his mate, Lola.

"Are you saying..."Lola didn't finish her statement before Zefra nodded his head and affirmed her suspicions.

"Yes, the prime alpha used the alpha's order on his own mate!"Zefra said leaving a look of disbelief on his mate's face.


Meanwhile, in a dark room where the walls were carved out of rocks and the ground laced with stone, a body laid with huge chains wrapped around the hand, leg and neck area. On closer inspection, the figure in question had the appearance of a woman. The only distinct factor distinguishing this figure from an actual human female was that this figure in chains had the blue glowing eyes. The eyes of a gamma-ranked werewolf.