Beasts collide

Kan rose to the sky with wings flapping causing more wind to sweep the land. A roar from him shook the earth and all that was with it. None of the vampires nor werewolves was left standing. Just the roar from Kan had shaken something in their core. It wasn't fear that brought them to their knees this time around. It was the realization that they had gotten themselves into a situation beyond their control therefore they were brought to submission.

None dared to raise their heads to see what the great beast was up to. The wings of Kan clapped the air and the sounds produced from it was like thunder dancing in the sky. But this wasn't any storm brought about by bad weather. This was the might of a dragon on full display.

"You do not speak to me in such manner as though you are innocent of all blames. I left to search for a better place for all of us. I starved for days, got hunted by beasts, and survived unforgiving weather just so we could survive. And finally, I stumbled on the hearts of the gods. I took in the power and after I saw what it had made me into, I turned away from the road that led back to you my brothers and our wives. I feared returning home in such a state would frighten you all. I didn't want to be seen as a monster. I didn't want the love and respect that we once shared to be replaced with fear, so I hid away" Kan spoke these words and each syllable resonated multiple times. His voice echoed through the lands. Travelling far and wide that men from across the lands could hear him speak.

Even when it sounded hoarse and terrifying, the voice conveyed emotions to those that heard. Kan and Lan though did their best to stay upright. But the power from the wings was overpowering. They felt themselves about to be blown away by this great force.

"But I couldn't find solace in living a reclusive life. I ached to return and be with you all. And just as I had predicted, on my return, things were in a deplorable state. I took you all and I showed you the new paradise I had found. The structures I met were left there by the gods for our sake!! The things I carved with my claws and the ornaments I made with beasts that I slaughtered. All of it was ours. But in the strife to be good to those whom I call family, I overlooked the possibility of betrayal. You who is my youngest wriggled your way through the loins of my wife in my absence!! And it did not stop even when I was present! You planted seeds in my wife! But here I am after searching tediously, hoping we could reunite and perhaps if I searched hard enough, I would find something. Perhaps a part left of you two that is redeemable. But I was wrong. It was my fault I made the monsters that you have become. I will not let you purge the world with a curse that I regret till this very moment ever encountering. Now, for the first time, I will show you what Kan can do. Now, you will witness the might of a dragon!!"

With those words said by Kan, he lifted further into the sky. Going further until he had mixed with the clouds. From below, Tan and Lan viewed Kan's large body from the ground and couldn't help but marvel at it. Kan from above mixed with the clouds looked like a celestial body himself only he radiated no light.

As Kan was in the sky, those below were slowly beginning to get back to their feet. The vampires and werewolves felt an intense pressure lifted off them.

The two blindfolded vampires, the male and the female that escorted Lan were up on their feet and were able to witness what was happening.

Back at the settlement, the vampires and the werewolves remaining came out of the huts they lived in to see the drastic change that was taking place.

"Is the sky turning red?" they all questioned as above them, besides the moon, they could see a second moon or perhaps the sun. But this sun was blood red in their eyes.

Time had passed since Kan retreated to the clouds and falling to the earth now was what resembled flakes of fire. These flakes were tiny to the eyes but as they made contact with the trees left intact and safe from Kan's wing winds, the trees immediately blew into flames and perished.

The moment these flakes touched anything, whatever it was caught fire the same way and perished instantly turning into ash.

This was the fate of the werewolves and vampires that had come out to fight with Kan from the onset. They all burnt from a single fire flake. As for those at the settlement, they retreated into their homes but this did not spare them as both they and their homes were lit in red flames that destroyed them in seconds.

Tan and Lan on the other hand had been saved from these flakes as the blindfolded vampires with them did something strange. The male and female vampires waved their spear-like weapons in the air and each time one of the fire flakes came close, it combusted before even touching the spear and harming them. This was how Tan and Lan had managed to survive the fire snow.

A roar then echoed through the skies and before long, a single loud sound of an explosion went off. The sun they had thought to have seen was falling upon them.

Panic engulfed the community of vampires and werewolves that had managed to survive as they saw their homes failed to shelter them, they ran and hid in caves near by given they lived within high mountains.

But unknown to them, this was not a second sun. This was the breath of a dragon.

Kan had spat his fire from above upon them. The fire had taken the shape of a ball and was as large as nothing they had seen before. As it descended on them, the path the fire had taken blocked out the light from the moon and was now reflecting its own light on the settlement.

It came hurling with speed towards them and was inbound for collision only in a matter of time.

The thick cloud then parted ways as an object came falling from the sky trailing the path of the large fireball that was descending on them.

The vampires at first saw this to be another form of attack on them but on closer inspection, it turned out to be Kan descending from the sky.

"You had everything right, brother. Everything except this won't be the first time I have witnessed the power of a beast like you. I have a beast like you!!"Lan said these words.

Right above Kan who was descending from the sky, a figure of similar size as he was followed him behind. It had scales that made for its body, and wings as large as the ones Kan possessed but unlike Kan who had black scales, the beast following him above had white scales. A single horn whereas Kan had two horns on his head. Nonetheless, it was the beast that had knocked him from the sky.