Blood mist

From pale white to turning completely black. In an instant, Kilga had completed his transformation.

"Your true form, I see. The curse keeps getting worse. Look at what you have been made into. This is why I can't allow room for more like you. I have no grudge against you lot. My main concern is with my brothers over there. But after what they made me do to my blood and since you have decided to step In, I'll deal with you the same way they made my Ayar suffer!!!"Kan said.

"I don't think you'd have a choice by the time I'm done with you, father!!"Kilga replied.

"I am not your father, you monster!!"Kan answered rather hastily.

Emerging from behind Kilga was Silvia. She held two swords in her hands. Her armour piece was still resetting to its normal shape since it had moved most of its part to the back where Kan had kicked her. This of course did not mean there was any area exposed. All of her body was covered up leaving her head down to her neck. When the golden armour overlapped, it moved its parts to a region and some of which concentrated there more giving layers of protection but in all, all areas remained covered by layers of the scale-like material the armour appeared to have been made from.

As Silvia appeared next to Kilga, the latter observed that she was wielding both swords. The Excalibur and Clarent were both in her possession.

"My sword, no matter, I won't be needing it!!!"Kilga said and ran off leaving Silvia behind who held on to both swords and consistently stared at them as though she was lost in a trance.

"He left the only thing that might actually give him a fighting chance because of this new form? while I find it foolish to leave the Excalibur and come at me unharmed, something is Intriguing about it all. Let's see what he can do,"

As kilga moved from his spot, it was like a gun had been fired off. His speed had increased exponentially with this form. One critical thing that was observed was that as he ran towards none Kan, occasionally, on uneven ground with rocks and lava puddles, he used his extended arms that reached his knees to run on all fours like an animal and manoeuvred his way with immense speed.

While he had maintained most of his facial features and his long black hair, his teeth had grown out of the cover of his lips.

Jumping off a stone, he was up in the air and his trajectory was set for Kan. Kan saw as the other was about to land where he stood and did nothing but watch.

But as Kilga landed near Kan's position, he didn't wait and just threw his hands out at Kan which had been caught by Kan. The speed at which Kilga moved was still not enough to outpace Kan and while there was a slight sign of momentarily shock on Kilga's face, it changed into a wide grin.

The hand that Kan had gripped began to glow red with all its veins pulsing with red energy. This red glowing vein went through his entire body. But in the case of Kan, just like Kilga's arm, the same could be said about Kan's hand that had gripped the former. Kan immediately had to let go for something had occurred in that short moment.

"You devil!!"Kan said to Kilga.

Kilga had no response to this as at that time, he stood at the spot and was seemingly groaning in pain. His dark eyes which had appeared during the transformation suddenly turned back to red. But this time, the red was unlike any as it was radiant red.

"Your blood...sooo...much... Power!!!"Kilga stood at one spot lamenting in pain. When the veins on his arms stopped glowing red, his eyes stopped glowing red as well and it had returned to the black state they assumed in the new form he was in.

"How was he able to drain my blood without an open wound?"Kan thought as he held his palms and stared at it.

But in an instant, Kilga came up to Kan and slammed his fist into Kan's chest releasing a red burst of mist.

When this hit Kan, he was instantly ejected off his feet and sent flying a far distance. Fortunately, Kan caught himself after tumbling through hot lava and shattering the ground he tumbled on.

" did he get stronger just like that?. What sort of monstrosity is he?"Kan said rubbing his hand on his bare chest which had a red glowing mark on it shaped like a claw scratch.

As Kan regained his stance, he looked forward and saw Kilga running at him again. Straight away, being fed up, he sprinted towards Kilga as well. The two were set to clash and as Kilga was just within arm's length from Kan, something odd happened.

Kilga who was set on a collision course with Kan exploded into a red mist and just like that, Kan's view was covered with red mist.

As Kan stood in the red mist not knowing what to expect, a claw mark appeared on his face from nowhere. And that was the first as numerous claw marks began to appear on Kan's body. Each one came with the sound of an explosion. Kan was being attacked from all corners without a medium for a counter.

"His life energy is everywhere. There is no way to pinpoint where he is at!!"Kan analyzed while in a dire situation. For one, he hadn't bled from any of the attacks except for the red glow which they all left on his body. But other than that, each claw mark stung with excruciating pain.

"When last did I feel physical pain to this degree? How is this little thwart able to harm me to such lengths?!"Kan thought to himself.

As the onslaught went on, the onlookers were pleased with what they saw.

Tan, Lan and their wives who had to constantly move with the battle but at the same time, observed from a safe distance were delighted.

"Your daughter has still yet to make her presence felt. Any reasons for that?" Lan inquired from Tan.

"Your son seems to have it all covered. But since you asked, I'll give you a little insight" Tan replied to Lan's earlier question.

When he said this, the others raised an eyebrow and took their eyes off the battle that was going on for a moment to hear what he had to say.

"She is the quietest of them all but that's what makes her the deadliest. Dija likes to take her time. When she leads a hunt, she's usually the one behind. She studies her prey more than anyone I have ever encountered in my lifetime. And her planning and execution are not to be trifled with. Since her initial attack on Kan with the rock, she must have discovered something peculiar or perhaps has a reason as to why she hasn't gotten involved since then," Tan explained. Dija being his daughter was next in line to have led the pack they had raced before Kan destroyed it all.

Being the prime alpha, he basically ran the entire pack which had alphas in sub-packs. He was in charge of everything there was about the werewolves the same way Lan controlled his vampire platoon. But none of that seemed to exist anymore all due to Kan.

Just as the fight went on, Dija stood in a corner with a sword placed in its scabbard. On close inspection, the sword appeared to vibrate in its sheath. But Dija appeared to be ignoring all of it as all her focus was on was the heated battle between Kan and Kilga.

Much like Dija, Silvia was no longer involved in the fight although she had gone in a few times on her own. But all she did as the fight continued was stand at a spot and fixed her gaze on the two swords she had in her hands, the Excalibur and Clarent.

Back where the fight persisted, Kan was covered with multiple red claw marks now. But ultimately, there was some room to breathe as the clawing had stopped and the red mist seemed to be reducing in its thickness and gathering up at a spot.

As the mist assembled, Kilga had emerged and had been seemingly formed from the mist. Which left Kan to only assume he now had the power to transform into the red mist. This was something new to him and he was quite surprised at how this had come to be.

"So that was your big plan? All you did was prolong your demise. You can't actually beat me, not like this!!!"Kan pointed at his whole body covered with the red glowing claw mark.

" I know it must take some energy to keep up that mist form of yours, right? Which is why you can't stay in that state forever. Otherwise, knowing the coward trait in you, I'm sure you'd have much preferred to remain in a state where I can't hurt you back, "Kan teased.

"Yes father, you are correct. But your blood is like fuel to me. And once I get a hold of it, that's all I need, "Kilga replied with fangs sticking out of his mouth. As Kan observed, the other appeared to be quite exhausted from his stance.

"You must be foolish to think I'd let you absorb my blood again. I am done toying with you. It's time to end this!!"Kan proclaimed.

"Tsk...Tsk...Tsk. Why the haste? Surely, you must know by now that those marks aren't there for art's sake!!!. You should never be quick to judge, isn't that what you accused mother of?"Kilga said with a grin on his face that exposed the true length of his long fangs.

Kan was done with the banter and in the blink of an eye, he rushed over to Kilga. As he made the final step towards where Kilga stood, the ground made a noise revealing a web-shaped crack from the speed and power his movements packed. But just as he pulled his hand back for a punch, Kilga's eyes lit up red again and on cue, Kan let out a groan as he stopped in his advance immediately.

"What was that? It was like a part of me exited my body.."Kan reviewed.

Kan was spot on. The red claw mark on his left cheek had stopped glowing and had disappeared. When this happened, he felt he had lost some of his energy. But in contrast to the loss of energy on Kan's end, Kilga was quaking with energy.

"You see, admittedly, you are very powerful. Far more than I had imagined. I almost made a grave mistake to have taken that much power from you the first time without having a little taste of it first. Which was why I had to quickly expend the rush of energy I had taken from you as it threatened to rip me apart. But I didn't just throw the energy I took from you, I used it to mark you. And in a moment, I'm about to IMPRESS YOU, FATHER!!!"Kilga said.