Kill steal

Deep into the jungle, surrounded by tall grasses and trees, a pack of young wolves were laying low within the grasses.

This was sir Gregor's class and leading the hunt was Solka. With a pack of twenty-four fully transformed werewolves on all fours behind him, he had confidence in what they were about to hunt, a lone BULL FAIRY.

Bull fairy: A basic feral beast. Known to be a herbivore possessing a subtle affinity for wind magic.

As all twenty-five pack, students of Gregor took positions at separate angles of the bush area, their eyes and concentration were fixed solely on the bull fairy they saw a distance away.

The beast in question was as large as an antelope with black fur and short horns. Its body looked slender for the most part except for its larger-than-normal hooves.

While the young werewolves were hiding and stalking the beast, from a safe distance, atop a tree, Gregor stood monitoring their progress.

He was also there should in case a situation arose beyond their control. Most times, beasts were mistaken in rank for their looks.

There were five ranks allocated to beasts according to their strength.

The first class were the feral beasts. Basic feral beasts were at the bottom of the food chain. They were the weakest on the rank as well as the less intelligent among other ranked beasts.

The interferal beasts were up next. These beasts only surpassed a few shortcomings that the basic ranked beasts failed at. In all, there wasn't really much strength gap between the two classes.

From the interferal beast class, a huge jump in strength is seen moving from the feral beasts to the VICIOUS BEASTS.

There are two in this class. Mystic vicious beasts are the first of the class. They are far stronger than the interferal beasts. If a comparison should be made, they were ten times as powerful as interferal beasts. While on the other hand, interferal beasts were only two times as powerful as basic feral beasts.

Ultra-vicious beasts are next up on the rank right after mystic vicious beasts. Just like the gap between mystic vicious beasts, ultra vicious could be said to be ten times more powerful or sometimes more. Their intelligence far supersedes that of the lower class.

The final ranks are the predatory beasts. There are two ranks present in the predatory class. Ruler predatory beasts and lord predatory beasts.

Unlike the other ranks where there are chances of the beasts attaining new heights in strength and intelligence through evolution, the predatory beasts are at their peak. They are known to be very intelligent and unimaginably strong.

Right now, it was solka's turn to play alpha for the day. And as his pack crept up closer, the bull fairy remained unaware of the dangers that lurked around it.

The young werewolves although inexperienced, had one driving force, hunger.


A howl was sent forth by Solka. This was the signal and his pack for the day were off and running. Solka himself moved ahead. Emmie, Harland and the rest following behind were scattered about.

"Why do they never listen? They are never going to catch that beast now" Gregor who watched from the top of the tree couldn't help but say to himself.

He had been on the tree for hours and watched the young werewolves stalk the Bull fairy.

At some point, he thought they had finally gotten the message from his teachings but the final howl from Solka proved that not to be so.

As the bull fairy heard the howl, it took off. Bouncing off the ground with its hooves like it had been rigged with springs, the bull fairy was incredibly fast. Far faster than any of the kids except one could keep up.

Harland had taken the lead moving past everyone else. He was known to be the fastest of them all and he was playing that role at that moment.

"I have to prove I can lead. I can be a better alpha!!"Harland thought within himself as he ran after the bull fairy who by sheer size alone outclassed him.

The others following behind ran at their top speeds as well but with Harland, they came off a bit short. Nonetheless, it was a team effort and they played their part by barking and growling along the way as they chased on. This tactic was taught to them by Gregor claiming that the prey would be disoriented the moment it felts it was near being caught.

Nonetheless, the barks and growls only served as some sort of fuel for this beast as it sped up even more.

Each leap it took was covering thirteen meters as a whole. Harland who had done well to keep up was now being outraced.

The brown wolf, Harland, saw himself being outmatched by the bull fairy but with the knowledge that his pack were counting on him, he pushed on.

Unknown to Harland, like Gregor had predicted, it was impossible for werewolves at their stage to catch up with a bull fairy went it was on the run.

Their big hooves acted as some kind of wind turbine that constantly released air pressure which boosted their leaping ability.

Every time it landed and made another jump, dust circulated the area it made the touchdown. This act alone became a problem for Harland who tailed close as he constantly ran into clouds of dust.

Gregor all along followed them from behind. He hopped from tree branch to tree branch with ease. And while he was at it, he spotted something that it seemed the young pack had failed to notice.

"What are they doing here?"Gregor thought to himself.

As Harland got caught up in the cloud of dust left by the Bull fairy, he failed to notice that the chase was over. Already, the bull fairy had been caught and he wasn't the one who had made the kill.

"What?"Harland thought within himself and instantly, he had transformed back to his human form and turned around to see his pack behind him.

By then, Solka and Emmie had just arrived with the others. And a little up ahead, they could see the large body of the beast they had been chasing laying on the ground.

The bull fairy had been taken down by werewolves. But not any werewolf from their pack. This was an external pack essentially stealing their hunt.

"What gives?!! You guys are not meant to be here. This is our turf!!"Harland cried out to the werewolves who were already digging into the fallen beast.

As his voice was heard, a single werewolf amongst those that were eating the bull fairy turned with a blood-stained snout and began to walk straight towards Harland.

With the rest of his pack standing solidly behind him, Harland knew there was nothing to worry about.

The large beast approached him. Because he and his pack had all transformed to their normal state, they looked incredibly smaller than the werewolf.

Now Harland and the werewolf were face to face with the beast's snout rubbing against his forehead.

After an intense stare-down between the two, the werewolf started transforming back. Its legs and arms formed from the paws it had. And the bent body straightened up as well.

"Teva!!" Harland called out.

"Little Harl, What's the matter? You couldn't get your kill? Pftt, you and your pack are pathetic!!" the werewolf who had transformed into a boy around the age of Harland said.

"Give us back!! You know this is our turf. You have no right to be here. So take your puppies back with you now or..."Harland was going to say but ended up stopping halfway. His gaze shifted to where the Bull Fairy had fallen and what caught his notice was an object that the Teva's pack appeared to be struggling over.

"Hey, you can't take the core!!!" Emmie reprimanded. Not being heard, she chose to bypass Teva and storm towards the other pack but as she ran over, she was too late.

The core had been secured by one of the werewolves on Teva's pack by its teeth and it rushed over to hand it off to a figure that stood not too far away from them.

The werewolf that took the core crystal took it and handed it over to a lady standing not too far from them.

Noticing this Teva grinned at Harland and turned to leave. But Harland grabbed him by the shoulder forcing him to turn around. As Teva was forced to turn around, he came with a fist that knocked down Harland.

But as quickly as Harland was knocked down, he stood up rapidly ready to retaliate.

"No, don't do that, "Gregor said. He had arrived in time to stop Harland from punching Teva back.

The lady that had been handed the crystal and Gregor locked eyes without shifting their gaze from one another. The lady had black long flowing hair that reached her waist, brown eyes and was of average height. Two dots were on her forehead. And if one looked at the werewolves with her that had transformed into their human form, they had the same mark.

It turned out to be that Teva's pack constituted about twenty members and much like Harland's pack, they all looked to be around the same age.

"Let me handle this. I am the alpha for today, "Solka said, stepping forward.

"Give us back our core crystal you motherless puppies!!!!!"Solka yelled with ferocity. His veins popped out of his ebony skin as he ground his teeth together.

"Let's take it back by force if they won't hand it back the easy way!!" another member of Gregor's little pack of students said.

"No, there doesn't need to be a fight. We can settle this peacefully, "Gregor said while staring at the lady on the other side of Teva's pack.

"Huh?... Peace is not an option!!!" they all responded at once.