Spawn killer

As the older male walked up to him, he was in a crouched position on the ground inside their cell and from his angle, they looked even larger than him.

All ten or more men approached him slowly and with his keen hearing, he could hear their heartbeats slow down to an alarming pace. It was almost like it beat only once a minute. His eyes darted about studying each movement.

If it wasn't for the words the largest amongst them had said, perhaps he wouldn't have been put on edge like that.

Nonetheless, their body language was a telltale sign that they perhaps were on the edge. From their careful steps to their steady locked eyes on him, he could tell they perhaps had some concealed intentions.

"It's been a while since I was condemned here. A hundred, maybe two hundred years, I don't know. Lost count a long time ago. The same could be said for my companions, they have all been here for quite some time as well. But what bothers me is what brought a spawn like you here. From what I know, only the rotten ones are sent here. What brings you spawn?" the largest male vampire asked.

They stood some feet away but close enough that Finn could see the third one behind the largest of them twiddling his fingers. And not just that, he observed that one in particular unlike the rest seemed to be missing an arm. This sight was especially odd to see since he was aware of the vampire physiology and their remarkable regenerative abilities. But then again, when he thought about it, there was very little he knew when it came to certain things about vampires.

Nonetheless, he decided every question had its time to be answered and instead of allowing himself to drift away, he was conscious of the fact that he had some peculiar sets awaiting an answer from him.

"I am a rotten one, I suppose," Finn said. On hearing this, the older, larger male vampires turned around to look at themselves. And in the next second, they had all collapsed into a pit of laughter. Beating their chests and some hitting the wall and causing particles to fall off of it. Finn acknowledged this subtle show of strength that even though they didn't put attention to the wall, they were doing quite the damage by just laughing and pounding on it.

"Listen Youngling, with your attitude, I doubt you would find it difficult to fit in. You have all it takes to survive here. My name is Solo. I'm the oldest vampire here and I'm in charge of this cell. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to come to me. You are after all too young to be here. So we will gladly take you in as our son. Now spawn, what's your name?"The large male vampire who introduced himself to be Solo asked.

Finn took a glance at him. For one, after a quick examination of his appearance, Finn was forced to accept that indeed he spoke the truth claiming to have been imprisoned for a long time. The regular nun-like gowns that vampires wore was what he appeared to be wearing only that he and the rest of the males in there with him were in a deplorable state.

His nails which didn't look to be extended were long either way. This was a sound indication of his age. His brown hair also appeared to be a mess as it went down all the way to his waist and was tangled up in several areas. Although, with all these blemishes, he was far from being an eyesore. If anything, just like all vampires Finn had come to meet, he was just as good-looking as them.

"Do you ask my name so that you may identify me or so that you may remember me?"Finn asked Solo. Again, hearing this, Solo and the rest of the vampires first looked at themselves without saying a word to one another and then the next instant, they had begun to laugh again.

This lasted for a while until one after the other, they all proceeded to separate corners of the spacious cell to take a sit on the cold floor. As they were all seated, the laughter had stopped. All of the males looked towards Solo and each one shook their head because they knew what was coming next.

Everyone was sitting except Solo who stood firmly on the ground with both hands behind his back and eyes fixed on Finn without departure.

"I was perhaps once like you. Stubborn, arrogant and generally a dimwit. But after spending a century here and seeing everything this place does to people, myself included. I have come to realize that everything you do has consequences. Every being must atone for their misdeeds. I guess I'm paying the price for the seeds I sowed, "Solo said and then turned around with his back facing Finn.

Finn could hear the heartbeats of each one of them then. It was dead silent.

"How is this possible? That they can go on without a beating heart for this long? Nonetheless, from all the things he said, nothing except one interests me. Perhaps they aren't so useless to me after all. Knowledge they say is power, "Finn thought as he watched Solo back him.

"The things, the things you have seen. Does it entail what happened earlier on?"Finn asked.

"Hmmm, I'm guessing there are a few things you must be unfamiliar with given your age and inexperience. But I'll be happy to guide you, "Solo said and then turned around to face Finn.

The rest of the male vampires voluntarily left their heads to face the ground. Seeing this and going back to the hierarchy established earlier on by Solo, it wasn't a struggle for Finn to figure out the meekness being by the other males.

"Even in such crude conditions, a leader must arise and followers who tail behind. Nature surely has no restraints as it forces its way to the most unimaginable places, "Finn analyzed with a slight smirk on his face which turned out to be misunderstood by Solo as eagerness on the spawn's side to learn what he had to say. So, graciously, he jumped right into it.

"Haemophrosis, it's the term used to describe a vampire's blood addiction. Vampires who get addicted to blood tend to be unable to stay longer without feeding. At prime conditions, an average vampire can go months without feeding. But this can't be said for a vampire with Haemophrosis. This condition tends to bring out the berserker part of vampires causing them to be totally immune to pain and otherwise, go mad as driven by a ridiculous amount of blood lust. As of late, there have been more cases of Haemophrosis among the prisoners and what happened today is what happens when one is unable to control the feeling again, they are immediately put down, "Solo explained.

"So it's like a vampire disease. If that's the case, then what of the humans I saw today? The ones that were made to feed us their blood. And the strange weapons used by the vampire pawns. What are all those made of?"Finn fired a barrage of questions.

"You seek to know so much from me. Yet you hide much from me. You still haven't answered my questions remember, Spawn" Solo said with a smile revealing his teeth which appeared to be all triangular. At that instant, Finn was beginning to ponder on what type of creatures he was locked in with. They certainly didn't smell like vampires that much, had a strange heartbeat rhythm but still fed on blood. Just what were they? He thought.

But he knew to get the answers he wanted, he would have to dance a little to their tune. So without much hesitation, he went on to say.

"I am Finn Adrian. A spawn condemned for the killings of two vampires and sentenced here as you see. While here, I shall await my true sentence. In fifty-nine days, I shall be sent to the Nether, "Finn said aloud for all of them to hear.