Infant Dream Beasts

Finn stood at the top of the omni secra serpent's head with two hands clenched onto something. On closer inspection, one could see that it had a shiny tone to it. The beast itself was not moving as the following system prompts popped up one after the other.


-Duration exhausted-

[Crisis deactivated]

[All stat changes returned back to normal]

[Transformation cancelled]


[Congratulations, you have defeated 1 omni sects serpent]

[Reward- All stats +5]


Name Finn Adrian

Race: verwolf

Class of race : New blood

Ability : oneirokinesis

Stat attributes

Strength - 15

Agility - 15

Durability - 15

Dream points - 5

[Congratulations, you have conquered a dream colony]

[Rewards- Dream colony leader]

•As a dream colony leader you are now: Able to control the beings that live in this colony and have access to all colony areas.

•Colony renamed- [Adrian zone]


[Congratulations, you have retrieved a dream beast core. Would you like to use dream core to cure host?]

[Yes] or [No]

"Yes, what else could I possibly use it for!!" Finn thought as he answered the system prompt.

[Congratulations, host has been cure of sacra serpent tail spike poison]


[You have cheated death once again and proven to be a worthy adversary]


•Five free stat points available to be distributed as host's wishes.

•Dream points refilled - 340

"What?!!! The system gave me the exact amount Tiwa lent me. Killing this beast must be such a feat then!" Finn couldn't help but think.

He got down from the beast's head only to truly realize and appreciate just how huge the beast was. He realized that the material he pulled from the beast's head after smashing around the edges to get it out was a crystal and fundamentally what kept the beast alive.

"All other things would have failed if I hadn't gotten that crystal off. What's strange though is that I wasn't the one who thought of the idea. I mean, I was present and conscious enough to see the actions that I did but had next to no control over myself. Although, I would say that being in that form is the strongest I have ever felt. My movements and on the run decisions were impeccable. It's like I was built to hunt and kill. But then again, having absolutely no control of myself and doing dangerous things like that isn't something I would want to experience quite often. A thrilling experience it was but at the end of the day, I only felt like an animal let loose from its bounds," Finna thought while he looked at himself all round his body.

He saw that his hands were no longer paws and his claws had retracted to the usual finger size. His lower and upper arm were also back to the way they were and the overall rush of energy and choking bloodlust coursing through his body was gone.

Now more than ever, he was eager to leave the dream world. But to do so, he had to journey back to the dream box. The only problem was he had no idea where it was or which place he was to go first. The dream world as he had come to learn quickly was a dangerous place filled with unexpected twists and turns.

More often that not, he found himself in danger and having to fight for his life. But on the flip side, if asked, he would rather remain there than wake up to see faces that annoyed him on daily basis.

"Maybe if I track my steps back, I'd find the box. After all, I didn't even go far before all of this began," Finn said to himself as he began to walk back through the thick forest of trees. His aim was to find the swamp where he once was. Although he didn't know the direction he was headed.

For all he knew, he didn't decide to visit the forest himself. He was unceremoniously whipped by the secra serpent there.

As he walked through the trees, he discovered something that didn't really catch his attention that much until it became rather too obvious.

"These trees, they don't have the same crystals embedded in them as the ones deeper into the forest do," Finn observed. He saw that most of them had a hole on their barks which he thought most likely was the slot in which the crystals were meant to fit in. But oddly, there were no crystals anywhere to be found.

As he walked on for a while, he saw a clear open area ahead and immediately, he knew this to be the swamp. With excitement, he hurried his steps but as he got closer, he began to slow down.

His eyes were fixed to a particular direction as he took steps close to the exit of the forest.

"Unbelievable..." he muttered.

The sight he saw now only struck him as something that could only be pulled out of the nightmare zone and he was sure of it that he had long since escaped that region. So, the question on his mind was



Indeed it made no sense that there would be more of it. This sight only made him feel like something was crawling under his skin. He knew logic and actual common sense applied in the dream world never did any good for him but at the moment, it didn't make any sense for there to be more beasts suddenly popping out of no where.

And unfortunately, these weren't just any beasts. Three appendages at each side of their bodies, a long tail that housed few spikes less than the one he just fought and a head that resembled the flying insects he had brilliantly avoided.

"How can it be? Omni secra serpents ...infants?!!" Finn asked himself and on hearing the words leave his mouth, he too was about to question his level of sanity. But it was true, what he beheld was indeed what it was. More of the beast he had just defeated.

They looked identical to it with the only telling difference being they possessed less spikes at their tail region compared to the one he fought and were significantly smaller.

Also, he found that they were not moving. They remained piled up on each other and from the looks of it appeared to be asleep in the swamp. While he struggled to make sense of what he saw, a disturbing message appeared.


[Incursion: Territory is under attack. As leader of the Adrian zone, protect your territory at all costs]

•Failure: Death