The Bishop's visit

Leaving the class behind, Solka hurried to catch up to Harland who had disappeared without notice. Being his friend, he was worried the latter would be in even more bigger than trouble than he was already

Still, he couldn't help but grin at his own findings.

"I can't believe he has broken through to the beta stage at such a young age. I am not sure he even realizes this. To think we were going to grow together and lead the pack someday," Solka thought and that was when his mood changed. His fast paced steps slowed down as he was now deep in thought.

Although he was happy for Harland, he couldn't help but feel left behind. Since they were born, Harland had always come off as the fast pace natural leader while he was always behind. Nonetheless, that didn't stop him from being friends with him. In any case, being friends with Harland motivated him to train harder as he always found himself playing catch up.