Undead blood

Finn struck the undead in the chest area but unlike before, he felt his sword failing to penetrate as it had collided with something solid. Usually his dream sword so far in its existence hasn't struggled that much to cut anything, not even Mikal's stone body.

"Your core..." Finn said in a deep undertone with a smile fixed on his face. He immediately drew his sword out and very quickly swung the sword twice both left and right direction and instantly, two hands fell off of the headless undead. Then quickly, he pushed the sword back into the headless undead's belly to once again have it stuck to the wall.

With both hands free, Klaus moved his hand back and punched a hole through the chest of the undead with a single strike. He then wondered if their bodies were just too weak or he was the one that was just too strong. Either way, he found his way into the undead's chest area and rummaged his way through the inner cavities of the undead until his hand came across something.