Chapter 6 - The Mad Mayor's Manor Part 1

Despite the fact that Squad 2 was looking at Squad 19 like they were trash, they were at least being professional. Plans were being discussed and it was decided that they needed to scout out the town.

And Squad 2's captain, a roguishly handsome man a scar that seems to elevate the level of "bad boy" attractiveness he has, made a rather good point that Squad 19 and the squad from Omega-45 should be the scouts.

Fyre agreed to this due to her squad being the ones who are at least semi-familiar with the town, albeit barely.

Squad 2's captain agreed to the idea of starting the scouting at dawn since Squad 19 has zero night vision gear.

So since it is basically night now, the MTF squads decided to set up. They brought in computer tech, extra weapons and the like into the main hall. They also set up motion sensors and cameras at every possible area the enemy could attempt to infiltrate from.

Jared and the other "guys in the chair" were soon connected to the cameras and tech. While this was happening, some of the scientists began discussing more about the town.

Squad 2 discussed how they were going to capture those eight entities while Dseda-8 discussed battle strategies amongst the other squads.

And just like this soon it became dawn. Fyre told the captain of Squad 2 how to get to the police station along with the safest routes. Soon Squad 19 left along with the squad from MTF Omega-45.

They had Jared send them info of possible buildings with secret entrances into the tunnel system underneath the town.

Once they had gotten that list they had began checking those locations out while also making sure to use a device to map out the roads and pathways within the town. Most of the locations were a bust but eventually the two squads reached an old manor.

"Brooks, I bet fifty bucks that this place has an entrance into this tunnels." said Patty-Cake.

Brooks replied "Deal."

One of the operatives from the Omega-45 squad looked at Brooks and Patty-Cake and replied "I bet five signed baseball cards that there are at least three entrances."

"Ha! Nice." replied Patty-Cake.

"May the best man win." said the Omega-45 Operative with a Swedish accent and the callsign of "Hammers-Man".

The captains of the two squads looked at each other and sighed internally.

"Just like earlier, you are going to pair up with someone from the other squad. The pairs are not allowed to be more than 10 feet from another pair. Report everything and if any of you feel something wrong, say it. I don't care if it turns out to be a false alarm." ordered Fyre.

Butter-boy paired up with a woman with a Central American accent with the callsign of "Xlotl" and they soon entered the manor.

The grass surrounding the old Victorian-style manor was orange, brown, and dead. The front entrance was barred shut and so Butter-boy and Xlotl went in through a side door into the kitchen.

The kitchen was massive and was obviously meant to be used to make feasts for parties and banquets. On one of the counters was a somewhat large and dusty tome labeled "The Lexston Family Cook Book."

Butter-boy asked Jared who was probably having fun keeping an eye on all the pairs "Jared, should I investigate the contents of this book?"

"Book? Lexston Family..." He quickly goes to check some of the online documents about the town and then says "They are one of the founding families and the current mayor is one of the Lexstons. I doubt a cook book will give us much info, but yeah. Check it out."

Once Butter-boy got permission from Jared, he motioned for Xlotl to look out for hostiles and he opened up the book and said out loud "What in the actual hell is wrong with this town?"

Within the book were recipes in which the main ingredient was long pig. There was a recipe for every part of the human body. And it went into excruciating detail of what type of people the meat for the different dishes should be from.

Butter-boy then looks at the different fridges and frowns. He looks at Xlotl and motions for her to read some of the entries.

While she does so he says to Jared "Can I just go home now?"

But Jared did not respond as he told the rest of Squad 19, and the people they are paired with the information that Butter-boy uncovered.

The pair closest to Butter-boy and Xlotl were Patty-Cake and a man with a midwestern accent that had the callsign of "Westley". They were investigating the area near the entrance to the kitchen and couldn't find anything out of the ordinary except for very pompous statues of the manor's previous owners and lots and lots now dead hedges.

Once Xlotl finished glancing through the cook book, she grimaced and spit on the floor. Butter-boy looked at this and thought "Is it possible that they are the worst squad of Omega-45 while we are the worst squad of Beta-7?"

Meanwhile Brooks and Hammers-Man investigated the foyer which was decorated with lavish paintings and a rather pathetically sized stuffed grizzly bear labeled "The Great Beast of Hobbs' Woods"

While Hammers-Man continued to look around the foyer, Brooks continued to stare at the grizzly bear and get closer to it. Brooks then said to no one in particular "The jaw has been detached and realigned..."

He then pushed down on the lower jaw as a clinking noise was heard and the stomach of the bear opened up to show a hidden compartment with folders and documents.

Hammers-Man looked at this scene and said "How did you know there was hidden compartment?"

"In my youth I lived and worked at an oddities museum. They had one of these secret compartment bears. A company makes them up in Oregon. On the back of the bear's neck should be a serial number" replied Brooks.

"Can you go to the back of the bear and look at the serial numbers?" asked Jared.

"Sure. Why not?" As Brooks does so he begins to grumble about how only he's given the menial and useless tasks.

Jared went to write it down and asks "What's the name of the company?"

"Think it was called Hunters' Secret." replied Brooks.

Which soon prompted Patty-Cake's saying over the coms "Like Victoria's Secret?"