My friend made a lore about me!?



I am done with this so I needed you to wake up

Wait done with what?

Done with this beauty!

*Shows a book that Hazzy made*

Woah, wait whats that though?

Thats my lore I made about you! I made it into a story to show you! It has over 800 pages!

800 pages!? Thats so fast to make that much pages in 4 hours!

It wasn't 4 hours 餅

Wait what?

Don't you remember though?

Uhm no?? What are you talking about?

What I was saying is about the time! The time when you were sleeping was only 2:39! While I finished at 10:55 pm.

Wait you finished at 10:55 pm? What time is it now then?

Its already been a day 餅.

Really? Wow that felt only like a few hours though

Yeah but it was actually alot more then what you thought it was though!

Alright so what now?

I want you to read it silly!

Alright I will read this book you made about me.

*A few hours later after reading through 200 pages*

Wow really? I did this in the story!?

Yup you did! You did that.

*After reading through more pages*

What!? I was sent there!? Why though!?

Just keep reading father into the story

*At pages 749*

Wow thats my back story!?

Yes it is! I know its amazing.

*At pages 800 now*

No way! You will pay for that Xenira!

Yeah I agree with you

*After reading the final pages*

Wow that was a long book you just made

Yup I know! You don't need to say that its good


I already knew from the beginning of the story

So what should I do now?

You may read that again again and again! It is my gift for you!

( Mind: Gift? For me? )

Well thank you so much

I also made pre made copies so I can sell it around!


*After selling the books*

That was a really long day of selling books though. I think I made way too much copies of it though

That was really cool Hazzy! I also really liked the book!

You- you do?

Yes! I really like it and I appreciate that you made a gift for me!

Thank you so much 餅!

Your welcome Hazzy!

Best friends?

Best friends.


Lets go home now 餅

Yeah we should go home now

*At home*

I made dinner!

Cool! What did you make?

I made some curry for us to eat!


Thank you!

Now lets start eating


*After eating dinner and getting prepared to go to bed*

Good night 餅!

Good night Hazzy!