All Causes Come With Consequences


The Holy Son's neck was twisted into an S-shape by Feng Xia, then a B-shape. In the end, his head rolled down powerlessly. His eyes were wide open, as if he could not believe that Feng Xia would attack so cleanly.

Under normal circumstances, was it not the case that at this moment, Feng Xia should feel extremely worried that when the Holy Son next revived, he would hide in the dark to ambush Feng Xia and cause him a lot of trouble?

Why did Xia Donghai kill him off without any hesitation?

"You… how…"

Ying Daoyi opened his mouth, but in the end, he could not say a complete sentence. He did not close his eyes even after he died.

As for the Holy Son's Primal Core, it had already been shattered earlier.

Not only that, but Feng Xia's boundless soul power swept in all directions as illusory lotuses fell one after another, not missing out on even an inch of land. Even the scattered soul lights were instantly wiped out by him.