Regardless of Age

At this moment, the air seemed to fall silent.

The Lingyun Emperor's eyes were filled with surprise.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his neck, making a series of cracking sounds as he looked at the State Preceptor with a strange gaze.

"State Preceptor, what do you mean by this?"

"What do I mean? Your Majesty should understand."

The State Preceptor's reaction was quite calm. He placed his hands behind his back and spoke calmly.

At this moment, he had a thick beard and looked like a sage. However, if one observed carefully, one would realize that the face hidden behind the beard actually looked quite young. It could even be said that… he was a little too young!

"The last mastermind can be said to have gone through the entire history of Lingyun Kingdom. Throughout history, his existence can almost be found in every major event."