What Did the State Preceptor Say?

"That's right. Mo Lianque has mentioned before that the greatest cause of the Dharma-Ending Age is because there is a terrifying Spirit-Snatching Formation in the third level of the Demon Imperial Tombs!"

"This formation has been plundering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for 3,000 years. In the end, it is sucking this world dry!"

"The reason why he dares to take action and pushes forward with the plan to change the world is because the guardian of this Spirit-Snatching Formation… is dead!"

Feng Xia's breathing was slightly hurried, but he quickly used the Mysterious Art of Creation to control his body and did not show the turmoil he felt inside.

At the same time, he opened the divine third eye on his forehead and the light of Yin and Yang illuminated the world.

He carefully scanned every inch of land, the surrounding forest and even the depths of space. Finally, his gaze landed on the small mound.