Lend Me Your Grave!

"The girls are missing?"

Feng Xia's first reaction was that it was the doing of the Holy Son Ying Daoyi.

After all, at that point in time, Ying Daoyi had not been expelled by the Moon World divine power yet and his power was still spread around the second level. If he wanted to do something sneaky, it was naturally completely possible.

"But now, Ying Daoyi is already gone, and the girls haven't appeared yet…"

This was obviously abnormal.

Some thoughts that were too negative were instantly rejected by Feng Xia.

It was not that he was unwilling to think about those possibilities, but during the last battle when Ying Daoyi was expelled, he had indeed vaguely sensed the spider girl's aura.

This meant one thing.

At the very least, at that time, Zhu Youniang should still be in the second level.

"Did Ying Daoyi tamper with it at the last moment?"