A Qi Refinement Realm Expert Is Not A Cultivator


Tang Wei gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly, her entire body trembling.

Although her true identity was not discovered by Bai Qiuran because of this accident, why did she feel so angry?

However, Bai Qiuran clearly did not notice her emotions. This man slowly stood up and patted the dust off his body before extending his finger.

A ball of light appeared on his fingertip, illuminating the surrounding darkness, allowing Tang Wei to see the corpses piled up on the ground.

"As expected, the main body is below."

Looking at the bones on the ground and scanning the depths of the darkness with her divine sense, Bai Qiuran said,

"Let's go, Brother Tang."

Knowing that the current situation was not the time to flare up, Tang Wei suppressed her anger and took a deep breath before asking,

"Where are we going?"

"Go and kill this demon's main body."

As Bai Qiuran spoke, he lit the ball of light and turned to walk into the darkness.

Tang Wei hurriedly jogged to catch up to him and asked, "What do you mean? I thought the zombie was the demon we were looking for."

"That's not its main body. It's only one of its components."

Bai Qiuran explained as he walked, "Take two more steps and you'll see it. This underground place is its core."

Stepping on the white bones on the ground, under the flickering light, Bai Qiuran brought Tang Wei towards the direction of the demon aura. Perhaps the few zombie demons from before were all its combat strength. Along the way, although the atmosphere was sinister and terrifying, and there was a stench in the air that could not be dispersed, there were no more zombie demons attacking.

After walking for two minutes, Bai Qiuran stopped.

"I see it."

He raised his hand and threw the small ball of light on his fingertip into the sky. The ball of light slowly rose into the air and then emitted a myriad of lights, like a small sun that illuminated the pitch-black and bottomless cave.

Under the light, Tang Wei saw the entire cave and could not help but gasp.

The area of this cave was much larger than the cave that had collapsed previously. Tang Wei estimated that it probably covered thousands of square meters. The ground of this cave was filled with dense white bones that were piled with countless corpses.

In front of Tang Wei and Bai Qiuran, on a small mountain formed by corpses, a naked and ferocious-looking female corpse with a big belly was sitting on it. Its lower body had already completely fused with these corpse mountains. It seemed to be absorbing the endless resentment and death aura in the corpse mountain through this channel. After seeing Bai Qiuran and Tang Wei, the mouth and throat of this female corpse also began to squirm and swell.

"What on earth is this?!"

Tang Wei asked with a numb scalp.

"It's a demon beast born from a female corpse after absorbing dense yin energy and resentment. We usually call it the Corpse Mother and it can be considered to be the higher-up of the zombie demon."

Bai Qiuran replied, "However, it's very strange. Corpse Mothers are usually not born in mortal countries. Unless there's a large-scale death, it's impossible for such a monster to appear. Why is there such a thing in this desolate mountain forest?"

"I'll think about it later."

Tang Wei felt her stomach twitch.

"It seems to be attacking us!"

After Tang Wei finished speaking, the body of the Corpse Mother sitting on the corpse mountain suddenly swelled strangely. A clear human-shaped mark was following the esophagus from its abdomen. It was as if they had encountered a dangerous python that was spitting out the prey it had just swallowed. In the end, the Corpse Mother actually spat out an adult-sized corpse covered in unknown liquid from its mouth.

The corpse rolled down the mountain of corpses and suddenly struggled to stand up. It transformed into a zombie demon and roared at Bai Qiuran and Tang Wei.

"Ah, ew."

Bai Qiuran frowned in disgust.

"I don't want to touch it either."

However, the zombie demon clearly would not listen to his complaints. The corpse covered in smelly mucus had already pounced towards them at a speed that surpassed the limit of mortals.

Bai Qiuran pushed out his palm, and a copious amount of true energy transformed into a powerful palm force that formed a golden force that slapped onto the zombie demon's body, shattering it into pieces. However, at this moment, the Corpse Mother spat out a new zombie demon.

"Is there no limit to it?"

Tang Wei covered her nose and retreated behind Bai Qiuran as she asked.

"Generally speaking, in order to protect herself, the Corpse Mother can turn all the corpses in the area into zombie demons. Those that are only left with bones don't count."

Bai Qiuran replied.

"Then what do we do?"

"Is your true energy still enough?" Tang Wei asked.

"It's fine. I just need to destroy the zombie demon and the Corpse Mother."

Seeing the second zombie demon pounce over, Bai Qiuran raised his hand again. However, this time, he did not use his palm attack. Instead, he raised two fingers.

"Thunder Seal."


A silver lightning dragon shot out from his fingertip with a bang. The zombie demon that pounced over was pierced through the chest by this lightning without any resistance. Then, the lightning did not slow down and immediately bombarded the Corpse Mother sitting on the corpse mountain.

The exorcism power and high heat contained in the lightning caused a huge explosion. The explosive fire cloud immediately lit up the entire corpse mountain, enveloping the entire corpse mountain and the Corpse Mother in flames.

Tang Wei saw the demon twist its strange limbs desperately in the flames and let out strange cries that made one feel nauseous. However, a moment later, the sea of fire still mercilessly swallowed it and burned it to ashes with the corpse mountain.

"Will this do?"

Tang Wei asked anxiously.

"That's enough. With the Corpse Mother destroyed, there won't be any new zombie demons in the near future."

Bai Qiuran nodded.

"However, there seem to be two more zombie demons buried in the soil outside the cave. This bastard was prepared to use them to block the door. I'll deal with them when I go out later."

"Thank you so much, Bai Qiuran."

Tang Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

"If you hadn't come here, I'm afraid I would have died here."

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Qiuran smiled.

"It's only natural for me to help after witnessing an injustice."

"However, do you have a high cultivation level? I think this Corpse Mother has probably already exceeded the strength of a martial grandmaster, right? You were actually able to kill it and the zombie demon it produced in one move. Moreover, why do you know so much about this demon that has never been recorded in the books of my family?"

"Bai Qiuran, who are you? Where are you from?" Tang Wei asked again.

"What if I say that I'm a cultivator of the Green Destiny Sword Sect?"

Bai Qiuran smiled and said.

Tang Wei looked at him solemnly for a few seconds and suddenly chuckled.

"You're lying. No matter what, you're only a Qi Refinement realm cultivator. I can tell that you don't have the true essence of a cultivator. Mortals like you and me who use true energy are not considered cultivators in the eyes of those cultivators. How can you be a member of the Green Destiny Sword Sect?"

Bai Qiuran's expression darkened. However, Tang Wei, who was laughing in a very girly posture, did not notice his expression.

A moment later, he sighed.

"Forget it, since you think so… There's no time to lose. I'll bring you out first. I don't want to stay in this corpse cave any longer."