Heaven-Defying Divine Technique

Bai Qiuran grabbed Tang Ruowei's palm and suddenly stretched out her palm and pressed it.

Tang Ruowei immediately felt a warm current pass from Bai Qiuran's palm into her body. This strange thing flowed along her meridians in her body, opening and broadening many of her meridians. When the swelling thing passed through the passageway in her body, the soreness and pain caused the girl to involuntarily sweat.

She groaned and felt her entire body swell. However, the heat did not seem to have the intention of stopping. It followed the meridians in her body and circulated a few revolutions before gathering in the sea of energy dantian under her navel.

Tang Ruowei seemed to have heard an almost inaudible sound, as if a fragile soap bubble had been pierced by a needle. Then, the heat retreated like an illusion. Bai Qiuran let go of her palm, and Tang Ruowei regained consciousness.


Bai Qiuran said in a nonchalant tone, "I've crippled your cultivation of the Black Dragon Art. I've also found a suitable cultivation technique for you. In order to train your body, you should first try using this external technique to train your body."

He pushed over a scroll made of unknown silk. Tang Ruowei unfolded it and discovered that the name of the cultivation technique was written on the first row of the scroll.

Creation Body Tempering Technique.

"I remember this. Isn't this what you asked me about the other day? You asked if I had learned it…"

Tang Ruowei muttered.

"That's right. This cultivation technique was created by me and a friend in the early years according to a divine power left behind by an ancient immortal. It's an external technique that can be trained and learned without any foundation."

Bai Qiuran nodded.

"It's very suitable for building a foundation."

"But that day, you asked me if my chest was like that because of this. Does that mean…

Tang Ruowei's face was red as she suppressed her shyness and asked hopefully.


Bai Qiuran held Tang Ruowei's hands and replied affectionately, "Child, there is hope for you."

He let go of Tang Ruowei's hands and took out a fragrant red apple from somewhere. He casually threw it. Then, before his hands could move, a new arm suddenly grew out near his ribs and caught the apple.

"This Creation Body Tempering Technique is rated as a divine level cultivation technique. It's indeed a little difficult to cultivate. Moreover, it's only a simple external technique. It can greatly increase one's combat strength, but it's useless for one's cultivation."

Bai Qiuran threw the apple up and grew a new arm to catch it. Then, Tang Ruowei saw him grow six arms. Two of them were preaching to her, and the other four arms threw the apple in a circle.

"However, as long as you persevere and cultivate it to a high level, you can be like me and greatly increase the recovery and toughness of your body."

At this moment, Bai Qiuran saw Tang Ruowei's eyes shine.

"This is… a divine technique!"

At this moment, the former princess knelt on the ground in admiration and worshiped Bai Qiuran.

"You're my master… No, my god!"

"Crazy, I'm your master."

Bai Qiuran patted her head.

"Get up quickly, idiot."

"Yes, Master!"

At this moment, Tang Ruowei displayed an unprecedented vitality. She jumped up from the floor and clenched the scroll in her hand tightly.

"I'll definitely practice this external skill diligently!"

The girl could not wait to stand up. After taking her leave, she ran back to her room and carefully studied this Creation Body Tempering Technique.

Looking at her back, Bai Qiuran rubbed his chin and smiled meaningfully.

Seeing through and using the obsession of every student to stimulate their greatest learning passion was the basic skill of every outstanding instructor.

"Ruowei, I'm not lying to you. This Creation Body Tempering Technique can indeed allow you to change your body in the later stages. However, the higher the level, the harder it is to cultivate this technique.

With the talent and temperament of ordinary cultivators, they could at most cultivate to the tenth level. If they wanted to change their body, they had to at least cultivate to the fiftieth level.

He wondered what level she could cultivate to and couldn't help but look forward to it…

After Tang Ruowei rushed back to her room, she began to practice according to the scroll.

Bai Qiuran walked around her room and discovered with his divine sense that this girl had indeed begun to cultivate the first level of the Creation Body Tempering Technique impatiently.

As one of the creators of this cultivation technique, Bai Qiuran naturally understood the situation of the Creation Body Tempering Technique. The first three levels of this cultivation technique were basically on the same level as the external cultivation techniques circulating in the mortal world.

The first three levels trained one's form. There were three poses for each level. To be able to replicate these three poses without any difficulty was equivalent to breaking through a level.

It was very difficult for ordinary people to do these poses. However, Tang Ruowei had practiced martial arts at the age of six and had the experience and foundation to cultivate the Black Dragon Art. It was not a problem for her to pass the first three levels.

However, at the fourth level, it was not a training method that ordinary people could withstand. From this level, the person who trained the Creation Body Tempering Technique would begin to use his body to receive external tempering. From the initial surface of the body, the person would train layer by layer until they reached their internal organs. At this level, the Creation Body Tempering Technique would officially begin.

Seeing her enthusiasm, Bai Qiuran could not help but feel that he had underestimated her.

This girl was still unwilling to take off the camouflage armor on her chest while cultivating. Bai Qiuran was really afraid that this girl would advance too quickly and kill herself.

In order to not let Tang Ruowei die suddenly because of her chest issue, Bai Qiuran had to immediately start preparing the herbs that matched her training and use the medicinal bath to nourish and repair her body.

Moreover, he had to prepare the cultivation venue and cultivation technique that was compatible with Tang Ruowei. He had once had a wood-attribute heaven spirit root, so the environment of the Seven Star Peak was basically suitable for wood attribute spirit roots. However, Tang Ruowei was an earth attribute cultivator, so he had to think of a way to find an environment suitable for this girl. Other than that, he also needed to consider medicinal pills, Dao Souls, Dharma treasures, and other things for Tang Ruowei.

In the past, he had never considered these things for others. Although the sect master and elders of the Green Destiny Sword Sect had once received his guidance, they all had their own masters. Their masters would consider these things for them, and it was not Bai Qiuran's turn to worry about these things.

However, now that she had accepted Tang Ruowei as her disciple, Bai Qiuran simply felt as if he was raising a daughter.

Considering Tang Ruowei's situation, he immediately returned to his study. After thinking for a moment, he picked up his pen and began to write the cultivation technique Tang Ruowei cultivated.

Bai Qiuran had long seen 3,000 years of experience and had also tried countless mysterious cultivation techniques. Now, most of the cultivation techniques stored in the Green Destiny Sword Sect's library had basically been modified or directly created by Bai Qiuran.

However, they were not the most suitable cultivation techniques for Tang Ruowei. For the sake of his first disciple, Bai Qiuran decided to create a new one himself.

The pros and cons of the countless earth-type cultivation techniques of the various sects and races flashed in his mind. After Bai Qiuran picked up the pen, she had endless inspiration. After writing quickly, he had already planned out this cultivation technique from the Qi Refinement realm to the Mahayana realm.

Putting down the pen, Bai Qiuran exhaled and used a spell to copy this scroll onto a blank scroll.

He formed a hand seal and summoned a green bird from the spirit world. Then, he got it to carry this bundle of copied scrolls and fly towards the library managed by the Fourth Elder.

It seemed that he had accidentally created another impressive cultivation technique. However, he should still throw it into the Green Destiny Sword Sect's library. After all, what if there was someone other than Tang Ruowei who could also master it?

Putting away the scroll, Bai Qiuran stood up and walked out of his courtyard.

Now that the problem of the cultivation technique had been resolved, the next thing to do was to find a place and herbs for Tang Ruowei to cultivate.