Momo Advances

"It is safe to say that a regular person and a regular zombie are equally matched, one has inhuman, dogged vitality, while the other has smarts and tactics.

"An Awakened would have a good chance against a regular Mutated Zombie. However, a Mutated Zombie with special abilities could become a threat.

"After an Awakener awakens, every time he breaks through, his strength will increase by a large margin.

"Because there are no specific physical characteristics, we'll never be able to tell, unless they reveal it themselves.

"Currently, the strongest in our country are Wu Jianguo from N City and Lin Liye from B City.

"Wu Jianguo single-handedly massacred Bloodfang Camp and killed more than thirty Awakened and three Second-Rank Awakened.

"I'm going to guesstimate is that he's somewhere between Third-Rank and Fourth-Rank.

"Lin Liye fought six Mutated Zombies alone and successfully rescued more than five hundred primary school students.