
The group arrived at the pier.

The Missouri had already been refueled, and supplies had been piled up as much as possible.

"Do come often in the future!

"You too, Mr. Tang!"

Hua sent everyone off at the pier.

There are a few human camps in Hong Kong.

"Do as you see fit. If you don't like something, just get rid of it."

Wang Ran reminded her.

"Don't worry, all the zombies in Hong Kong are under my control now. If somebody gets on my nerves, I'll kill them on the spot.

"I'll also get the logistics and storage work done as soon as possible. The next time you come, you can ship your supplies," Hua said with a smile.

Wang Ran nodded.

Not only did he save Tang Tang's father, but he also took over Hong Kong, a port city. It was a fruitful trip.

After saying their goodbyes, the Missouri set sail in the direction of Ningbo-Zhoushan...

On a road not far from N-City, four Asian men jumped out of a car.