Chapter 55. My Hero!

Char had heard a similar theory from someone else.

Strictly speaking, the man was not a human being. He was master craftsman, Crickto, the manager Siege City, and the only divine servant of the Eighth Holy Spirit His status was similar to that of Fredrick in the Church of Judgement.

A platinum disc was stored in the secret room in the center of Siege City. This super-capacity portable hard disk-like item contained a copy of all the knowledge of the civilizations several eras before the fall of Siege City. In terms of function, it was equivalent to a skill library for all professions. It was a true master machine that surpassed all professions.

Char had been busy with coaxing girls and pushing the plot, so he did not pay much attention to his class.

He knew that no grandmaster could be more direct than the platinum disc.