Chapter 119. It's Great to Like Someone's Wife!

"Eat slowly."

Char could not help but advise.

Fortunately, Fred was a priest. After a simple treatment, the two of them could be considered to have crawled back from the gates of hell.

They had been trapped inside for seven days without any food or water.

"No, maybe he drank it."

Just thinking about it was really...

There was also strong magic interference in this place, even if Johnny wanted to create some water, he would have to use biological methods. If it weren't for the elves 'good physiques, they would have died of thirst in there.

Johnny ate like a tornado, and Gedia's food was not any better than his. Ten minutes later, the food was all taken away, and the two of them panted on the sofa in the tavern while touching their bellies.

"I owe you a crested crested crested crested!"

"Drink some water and catch your breath."