Chapter 130. A Fight Between Immortals!

Einstein: [President, you have to give me justice! ]

Ninja little blade: [Ein...]

Einstein: [My name is Einstein, not little Ein!]

Einstein: [No, President, you have to answer my voice call!]

Ninja Blade: [If you have something to say, say it then.]

Einsten: [That guy is too much. You said he'd give me an opportunity, but you didn't say he'd send me to the cemetery! I've lost a level of experience! ]

Ninja Blade: [Big brother Char has his own plans for what he does. He'll definitely make it up to you. by the way, are you not as good friends as him?]

Einstein: [But he ignored me!]

Ninja Blade: [Yeah, he's ignoring me too. Maybe he's busy. It's fine as long as he has a friend slot. I almost didn't add him as a friend back then. One must be content with what they have.]

"I think he's a liar!"

Einstein mumbled and did not reply. He walked out of the church's cemetery.