Chapter 157. Old Actor

The giant's body was at least 100 meters long and was covered in dust and debris. There were even green grass growing on it.

The black oil came from its open abdomen. a hideous wound ran through its body, as if it had cut a hole in the mountain wall, and the mountain spring gurgled down.

A special smell hit him in the face.

The crawling spider seemed to be afraid of the giant. not only did it stop in its tracks, but its huge body was also trembling.

It did not matter if it shook, but the person on top of it felt like he was sitting on a massage chair.

"Come down."

Char sighed and patted the spider's head with her cuffed hand, comforting it.

As soon as the few of them came down, the crawling spider left in a hurry.

Without needing Fredrick to look over, Char already knew his mission.

He raised his hands and pointed forward.