Chapter 180. This Goddess Of Yours Is Too Weak!

Char saw that he was immersed in grief and was unable to extricate himself. Just as she turned around, she was stopped by the other person.

"Brother, thank you!"

The old man stood up and said in an extremely sincere tone, "I was too excited just now and my tone was a little harsh. I'm really sorry."

"I'm fine."

Char grinned. "Then we'll part ways here. it's just a shield, don't take it to heart."

The Swordsman nodded, and the two parted ways.

However, less than a minute later, before he could completely recover from his grief, Char turned around again with an awkward smile.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Mm, if there's anything, just say it!"

"That's great. Then come with me, I'll tell you about it in detail."

Char did not intend to turn around, but just as he stepped out, Mitsuya appeared.

"I've found the problem!"