Chapter 125. The Show is About to Begin!

The cashiers in the various towns received permission and began to order people to carry out boxes of gold coins orderly.

The gold coin from the United Holy Kingdom weighed 22.4 grams, and the gold and silver were split equally. Ninety million gold coins weighed more than 2,000 tons, and it was impossible to carry them with human strength. Fortunately, every bank had magic puppets to move gold coins. Even so, it took more than an hour to move the mountain of gold.

Many banks did not have that much money, so they exchanged it for the more valuable ancient elven gold coins, each of which was about 250 common gold coins.

It only took a few minutes for the players to go from shock to adaptation and numbness. Although Char had told them to keep it a secret, they could not help but take screenshots as a memento.

After taking the picture, they felt no one would believe this even if they told them.